MovieChat Forums > Politics > GDP grows at 33.1% rate in 3rd quarter, ...

GDP grows at 33.1% rate in 3rd quarter, shattering all records and beating "expert" expectations.

This only happens with Trump and his policies in place. Democrats trying to spin this as anything but great news is desperate and pathetic. Most of the economic losses from the Chinese virus shut downs have already been erased in just a few months. We'll soon likely be at new all time high GDP levels, having completely erased the economic losses less than a year after the virus shut downs began.


Yep. And the fact we didn’t spiral into a massive depression due to draconian lockdowns on private citizens and businesses is a testament to the booming economy created as a DIRECT RESULT of President Trump’s corporate and payroll tax cuts.

Remember 3 weeks before the 2016 election, Obama’s solution to improving the job market was “how are you gonna do that? Waive a magic wand?”

He was clueless then. He’s clueless now. And our economy is bouncing back because of the people who work in it. Because of the shackles removed by President Donald J Trump.


Who really wants to go back to the 8 years of miserable stagnation under Obama/Biden? Back then not even Democrats were claiming the economy was good, before panicked revisionism started in the face of the Trump boom.


And we still have idiot dem states still locking down businesses. If CA was open, the numbers would've been that much better. That's just a simple fact.


And if Democrats had full power the entire country would be as devastated and hopeless as NYC and much of California are right now, experiencing local depressions with those who can fleeing for freer, more conservative regions.


Damn 33% it’s still growing! Whoops there it goes again!


If he can keep up 33% growth he might be able to find the 400,000 new jobs a month he needs to get the Blacks 3 million jobs and the Hispa Mexicans 2 million jobs.


We get it already chilidogdump. You don't like Trump because you're a bigot.


He actually needs 470,000 new jobs a month to make that mark.

I'm a bigot? I'm down with Trump's Juneteenth Holiday. Americans need more holidays, we work too hard. We should have as many holidays as they have in France. Don't you think the Mexicans deserve a holiday themselves? Caesar Chavez Day would be good new holiday, we already have a state holiday in California. And he opposed illegal immigration. We can holidays for the red state heroes, too, Robert E. Lee., Stonewall Jackson, James Earl Ray... Hey, a day off is a day off...


Yeah, you're a bigot.


Do I still get to vote if I'm a bigot?

I guess I'm a bigot if I think this country would be better off with 88,000 new legal immigrants from Japan and 3,000 from Dominican Republic instead of the other way around like Trump did.


Good for you to embrace your bigotry as a positive.


I think Trump should give the Mexicans as many new jobs as he's giving the Blacks, in fact, Trump should give the Mexicans MORE than the Blacks because there are MORE of them.

Does that make me a bigot?


Pandering to Mexicans doesn't change what you feel in your heart, bigot.


Did you reply to the wrong post?

I'm chilidoggg

it sounds like your reply is intended for @RealDonaldTrump

"Pandering to Mexicans doesn't change what you feel in your heart, bigot."


Nope. It was intended for you, bigot.


"I think Trump should give the Mexicans as many new jobs as he's giving the Blacks"

So what is the proper allocation of the new jobs for the Mexicans and the new jobs for the Blacks so I am not labeled a bigot? is it 65/35? 25/75?


Only a bigot would think in your terms. You need to figure it out for yourself, bigot.


Very good news. Some of that is from prior stimulus and I think that we need another shot because some industries are in critical condition. Hopefully they can agree on a reasonable package after the election.
