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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Will Raise Your Taxes!

Here is the correct link. I posted in error previously. From Biden’s own mouth!


guess you did not see that the tax cut bill already signed by Trump has hidden tax raises for those who make less money they already took away some of the deductions but hey nothing rich people like better than spending someone else's money let the poor pay for roads etc


How about elaborating specifically? In the end, are people taxed less or more with the tax cut?


^^^ this.

And yes please elaborate where Bhiden/Harris will lower taxes.

Hint the answer rhymes with: they won’t.


And they will aslo take away your gun if your a legal person. Which will make you dead like this guy being the only person in town without one.


Screaming BLM mob surrounds fearful Milwaukee homeowner, he gets arrested after showing a weapon

I like the comments especially these:

”They keep calling it, a peaceful protest.
My ass!!
The only way it'll get peaceful?
Is when these terrorist are takin out in pieces!

”When BLM & ANTIFA take to the streets and highways then they become TARGETS !


This would be me also! It’s coming to pass this guy and the White couple who were arrested by a Democrat DA are going to have a lot of company!🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm not sure you really want to present yourself this way, but since it's been going on for a long time, I guess it's your jam.


Yep, we've been taking people's guns away at a ripe clip.
I'm sure gun ownership in the US is waaay down these days.


Remember her?

Yeah, it was from the clickbait here on MC, for better or worse, but she's a hero to me and I think of her often, along with the little girl who was the old Chicago Cubs manager's niece or grand-daughter. Last name is Green, and she was killed during the same shooting. Good on the NRA for supporting our Shared American Values (sarcasm alert).


Yeah but Orange Man Bad! (The Dems only subject,and thats why they will lose)


And Jesus Saves ! The louder you yell it, the more it irritates people.


So many many-toed cats
prowled through and around
the house in Key West
that I often played
Robinson Crusoe,
arranging them around
his bed, and I vowed
never to kick them
or give into the temptation
to use them for target practice.


It is said that some tagged along
to the Finca Vigía in Cuba,
and that their descendants still
wander the property—
vigilant kitties, capitalist
felines, since I much
preferred that proclivity
to communist propaganda.


If I’m not mistaken I believe there are also colorful descendants of chickens clucking around. 🤔🐔🐣🐥


There you go again...

We've already BEEN taxed.

(That's a freaking scary chart!)


Raise your taxes, tank the economy, sell American workers out on trade and immigration, bring back Obama/Biden era stagnation, kill millions of babies, confiscate your guns, end oil/natural gas/coal production, impose racial discrimination, and pack the courts, destabilizing the republic.

What a sick agenda. What a clear contrast with the pro American, pro growth Trump.


May I sing “Hallelujah” if the first part of your post does NOT come to be, but your last sentence DOES? I actually left Florida early in order to vote in my current state! VOTE TRUMP !!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻





Actually that's more likely to happen if Democrats eliminate the Trump tax reform that wiped out most deductions. You know the old, bad tax code that was in place during the alleged "zip zip zero" Trump tax scandal the NY Times manufactured.

The irony is so thick a knife may not do the trick. A chainsaw might be required.


wtf are you talking about. this isnt a new thing. he didn't pay for years, long before Trumps tax reform. so again. wtf are you talking about?

so if they get rid of his reform, it'll go back to him still not paying taxes, like he did for years.

Your post makes too sense as usual


Your post makes too sense as usual

LOL! And you just agreed with me, moron. It was easier to dodge taxes under the old, pre Trump system the Democrats want to go back to.
