MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trumpites Have Been Angry, Fearful and H...

Trumpites Have Been Angry, Fearful and Hateful for 4 Years

Four years ago, someone on this board commented about how angry Trumpites still were even though their candidate had won.

Four years later and nothing has changed. I'm going to assume their personal lives haven't changed or became worse under Trump - especially with his mismanagement of covid. They were conned.

Unlike Trumpites, I'm happy, filled with hope and relieved that Biden and Harris have won!!


Spoken like a true 50 cent komrade. Who are you referring to exactly?

Nothing has changed? How ignorant are you?

How has your life changed for the worse the past 4 years? Pray tell?


Trumps mismanagement of covid. No new movies being released because of Trump. I can't vacation in Canada or Europe because of Trump. Amusement parks closed because of Trump. No parades or events because of Trump. No family get-togethers because of Trump. Need I go on, cultist?


Move to France. Oh wait. COVID is there too. Is that Trump’s fault? Move to Japan. Oh wait. COVID is there too. Is that his fault too? Move to Venezuela. Oh wait. It’s there too and there’s no food either. Is that his fault too.

Duuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... COVID is everywhere. Stupid much???

Go to Disney world in a red state. It’s OPEN. Duhhhhhhhhhhhh...

No family get togethers? Why not? Because you’re too scared or because you have an idiot dem as gov?

Yeah. Go on because you didn’t give one rationale reason. Stop being a hater and give me facts 50 cent komrade.

You’d better be getting paid by the Chinese or else you’re a dimwit.


haha this is priceless, KeKe complains about everything being Trumps fault.


The buck stops with the president. Thankfully, your man-baby is leaving soon even if he has to be dragged out.


Joseph Stalin said, "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."


Everyone on the planet knows Trump is trying to be Stalin by stealing the election. We still live in a democracy.


Not anymore, Lyin Biden just stole the election. Going to be like NK here soon.


You hate democracy which is why you repeat Trump's lies as he attempts to steal the election. You didn't criticize him when he had the U.S. mail slowed down in order to prevent voting.


Deflection, this is your new America. If slowing the mail would cause Trump to win then why is all the mail in ballots for Biden? There goes your conspiracy theory.

There will forever be an asterisk next to Sleepy Joe. *Won by voter fraud.


I already addressed undelivered ballots in another post in which the federal judge is very angry:

Nope! Everyone on the planet knows mentally unstable Trump is a pathological liar who is illegally trying to hold on to power by cheating and triggering his mentally unstable cult followers like you.

Sleepy isn't an insult. American people are tired of Trump's chaos.


You do realize that you just validated everything Trump has been saying for months right? Trump said there would be mail and voter fraud and here we are 4 days after the election and votes are still being counted. But the odd thing is that 99% of the mail ballots are for Creepy Joey B.

It was all a strategic ploy to get rid of Trump, the Mueller report, the fake impeachment, the coronavirus, the riots and the protests. It was all for the sole purpose of getting Trump out of the White House because democrats were butt hurt that Hillary lost.

We are now entering into Bidens America. The land of cheaters. You will have no one else to blame except for Lyin Joe when things go bad.


Cult followers? The fucking guy got 70million + votes
Biggest minority vote for Blacks, Hispanics and Asians in America's history for Trump

You are detached from reality and clearly watch too much CNN or MSNPC


There is objective truth to what he is saying. Just look here!

So your saying there's some conspiracy theory between Trump and the supreme court now or something?
I don't get it....

You sound stupid man


Have someone in your family call a doctor for you, pronto. I think you have a large brain tumor, keeLIAR.


235,000 Americans are dead needlessly because of Trump and his supporters. Too bad you and Trump cared nothing about America or Americans.


Call the doctor. Soon.


You sound like you have hate and anger and are miserable.

Biden will stop the carnage which Trump caused and you don't care about.

It's good to know today there were Americans dancing in the streets rejoicing about Biden's pending win as president. Biden supporters are happy and have hope. That's a big difference compared to your 4 years of misery.


I'm a very happy person. I don't hate.

Carnage. You're funny. Not.

I'm glad they were dancing. A bit premature but hey, it beats burning, looting and murdering, which they will start doing when it is revealed that Biden actually didn't win. I'm pretty confident the media will declare him the winner soon but your kind is going to lose it when you find out that Orange Man Bad really won.


Carnage is Trump's word.

Trumpists commit domestic terrorism, but that doesn't bother you.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 3 million. Now, he lost both the popular and electoral vote. You have to be pretty stupid if you think large democratic cities would ever vote for your loser Trump.

The problem with Trump and Trumpites is that you could never face reality because you have so much fear and weakness. That's why you pretend covid doesn't exist. Continue to live in your fantasy world since that's the only way you can cope with living!


"Call the doctor. Soon."
You say the person has lots of hate and anger.

Yeahhhh I don't see it, I think you internalize things poorly, you are probably very stressed out and feeling very chaotic

"It's good to know today there were Americans dancing in the streets rejoicing about Biden's pending win as president. Biden supporters are happy and have hope. That's a big difference compared to your 4 years of misery."

Right, this all makes sense now. You have been miserable for the past 4 years
People like you are such fucking losers I swear, this whole post of your's is just sounding like a cope the more and more you reply and interact with people

You are essentially saying, people on the left have been feeling miserable and now all of a sudden there is hope and are happy.
What shit fucking lives you guys must have

Why dont you work on yourself as an individual, invest in yourself and educate yourself, be smarter and better compared to the next guy.
Then you will always have a job, and if you work hard learn everything in that job, then put that on your resume and go get a better job for more pay, because you know more things than the next guy.

Keep doing that, maybe get into an industry that pays a lot, maybe HVAC installation? You can get qualified in 2yrs I think, and you can make 80k with overtime and be as happy as ANY Trump supporter regardless if hes President or not.

Ohhhh but that would mean you install HVAC and that's manual labour, and your sooooooo smart and your not working class, tsk tsk, those working class people. Amirite?


- 0-19 years old survivability rate is 99.997%
- 20-49 years old survivability rate is 99.98%
- 50-69 years old survivability rate is 99.5%
- 70 years old or older survivability rate is 94.6%




That knucklehead always says "worst" when it should be "worse." Many of the leftists here do.


I don't normally enjoy correcting people's grammar, as we all make mistakes, myself included. It's just, with this particular poster, I really enjoy doing so, because they always make such a self-righteous effort to come off as more intelligent and better than everyone else.


For 4 years all the Democrats said was trump is not the president.

They told people to get into trump voters faces

This is not my president

People wearing trump merch were assaulted.

Your happy for higher taxes?
Your happy for higher gas prices ?
Your happy the health care mandate fine will.come back?

I'm happy the country saw zero Islamic terror attacks on u.s. soil for 4 years.

Are you happy you traded that safety for joe and Kamala.

Just another liberal totally lead by compassion and zero logic.
