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Obama compares Trump to dictator who suppresses journalists, after his own admin targeted reporters

Although this is beating a dead horse, it still must be stressed at just how complacent the MSM is to the dems. Your god's hypocrisy is not even challenged once, allowing him to spew lie after lie.

Actions speak louder than. Had you idiot dems not be so ignorant to the truth, you'd realize your god was just a false idol that played you all as fools.


Worst president in a century. Holds the honor of knocking Jimmy Carter off the throne.


That's quite a feat.


Oct. 31, 2008 — -- Barack Obama's campaign has booted from its airplane three reporters who work for newspapers that have endorsed John McCain.

as doogie used to say, oops winning...


your retardation knows no limits..


Trust me, nothing would have pleased O'shithead more to have become President for Life, while his wife ruled forever as a pseudo queen. Sadly, he wasn't allowed, and is still pissed about it.


Obamas are easily the most unamerican people ever elected to the White House.


Hey, wanta see djangounlamed and his buddies shit a brick? They freaked when I wrote about what should be done to AOC to shut her up permanently; I could easily write what I thought the Obamas deserved after the way they treated America.


dont you advocate for terrorism on here? you re trash


False equivalence, Simpleton Sandy.
1. Fox is not news. It's propaganda, conspiracy theories, and racism. Fox spread the racist birtherism lie.

2. Kicking lying racists off the plane isn't suppressing journalism since they're not journalists.

I see your source is the Russian-supported, propaganda-machine. You can't handle reality which is why you watch Fox.


1. Ignorance is Strength. Facts speak for themselves. Just because the MSM doesn't cover it, doesn't make it cease to exist.

2. So then you should be okay with Trump kicking out practically all of the press corp, yes?

Once again, you can't handle the truth, 50 cent komrade. No matter how much you refuse to acknowledge it, it's still there. Now go back into your basement and eat your day old rice.


What about when he threw a journalist in jail?




Look it up yourself... It was a famous story.


"On May 20, 2014, D'Souza pleaded guilty to one felony count of making illegal contributions in the names of others."

1. He's not a journalist.

2. He committed a felony.

3. He has zip to do with Obama. A judge sentenced him.

Your whataboutism is a major fail!

Meanwhile, Trump has called journalists the enemy of the people and incited his nutjob cult followers to threaten them.


Then why didn't Rosie O'Donnell go to jail?? She donated a lot more than Dinesh.

MSM is the enemy.


In other people's names? Why are you defending a felon?


Why are you?


Oh yeah.... Obama bombed kids.


Also Dinesh is the only person ever to go to jail for that crime... But , no, that's not suspicious.



You sound triggered.


Look it up.


Maybe Obama isn't the great guy you think he is.

He sure did like his drone strikes.


You're confused. You're assuming because you are a cult follower of Trump that everyone else belongs to a cult, too.

I'm pointing out that no past president, Republican or Democrat, has attacked and theatened freedom of the press like Trump has seriously done.


The press is lying to you. How do you know I'm not? Because I don't support Trump or Biden... I just want the truth


You must be QAnon since you sound like one.


Qanon is a joke.


They are the ones beating him to death so dumbass Obama's words are pathetically stupid and wrong. WTF.

Does the left actually believe this.



Barack Obama on how to create jobs in October 2016.

“How are you gonna do that? Wave a magic wand?”

Who cares what this idiot has to say. He lost 1250 seats nationwide during his presidency. He was elected because he’s brown. Nothing more be said. He’s a complete joke.


Seriously, that's your comparison?

And you're trying to give an impression that you're not a dunce??


Oh? Pray elaborate why this is a stupid comparison. I'll be waiting for your non-answer.

And if you don't give me an answer or when you're finished with your inadequate one, just look sad and say D'oh.
