MovieChat Forums > Politics > It’s insanely irritating and pathetic ho...

It’s insanely irritating and pathetic how many people get their political views directly from their parents

You can tell by how they side with EVERY single view held by their “party” and defend their candidates at all costs and slander their opponents for irrelevant reasons and attempt character assasination.

I’m a right leaning libertarian, but I see it on both sides. When I see dumb rednecks who I KNOW don’t have even a basic understanding of politics posting Biden hair sniffing memes I can immediately assume they are racist idiots. Likewise with snowflakes and hippies posting heavily one-sided articles and caricatures slandering Trump.

Then you have the women and minorities voting simply for selfish personal reasons without having an informed opinion or policy based stance. It’s just a big fucking joke, I refuse to partake. Bi-partisan politics needs to be wiped out.


seeing Kamala Harris fist bump Lindsay graham (then get an affectionate pat on the back) to me just showed both parties aren;t enemies. They know it's a game, they enrich themselves and each other and just pretend to dislike one another. it is essentially wrestling.


Yeah the big farce is people thinking they have a choice


I mean when you have two parties how could you? But I agree that is peoples perception for sure.

theres not alternative to vote for for Americans to punish the republicans and give another conservative party a chance. or a a party for more progressives to vote for when the dems are out corporate sellouts.

It is why americas has more instability and political violence and conspiracies I believe. People do not feel represented because it is corporate puppet #1 or corporate puppet #2
