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Which direction will the Republican Party go?

Mitt Romney more establishment style or a trump 2.0? it's tough because even the want to be trumps like Cruz are no Trump. He's certainly a rare one and a mix of traits that cant just be emulated by a want to be, including his own kids.

it seems the problem with populism on the right is it goes hand in hand with conspiracy theories and other fringe beliefs and anyone who doesnt go along with it gets called a traitor.

I do honestly feel for the high brass in the Republican Party. They know the Trump brand is crazy but its dangerous electorally for them to come out and say it


They're gonna split into factions. There will be the moderate neocon types like Romney, Sasse, and Kinzinger vs the Trump loyalists such as Cruz Hawley, and Gaetz and on top of that, we got the QAnon crowd such as Greene and Boebert. It's gonna be crazy.


which id be fine with if it was multiple parties on the left too. although I exPEct eventually moderate dems and moderate republicans would eventually merge into a "liberal" party eventually as in economic liberals aka free marketers


lol...Tucker Carlson and Jerry (have you seen my zipper?) Falwell Jr.
