MovieChat Forums > Politics > I still consider Bush II the worst presi...

I still consider Bush II the worst president of my lifetime

9/11 occured.

Straight away said it was an act of war and peddled the hijacked planes storyline. Tried to stop the 9/11 commission.

Said that 9/11 changed the rules and therefore a preemptive attack on Iraq was needed because we shouldn't wait for a surprise attack.

Reluctantly accepted that Bin Laden was the bad guy and agreed to a war in Afghanistan that failed to find Bin Laden.

But it was a "success" because it liberated the Afghani people and the terror training camps were gone.

Then went after Iraq anyway, despite the UN not authorising the attack as sanctions were working and Saddam agreed to inspections again. He didn't care.

500,000 killed.

A nation left without it's dictator and a civil war ensues. More killed. ISIS fills the vacuum.

I don't blame him for the recession that followed, that has more to do with deregulation that Clinton signed, but hey, he didn't undo that loosening of lending regulations.

With a trillion spent on wars and spying on US citizens, America wasn't in a great position when the recession hit.

Hurricane Katherine wasn't that bad. He got a bad rep for that.

That whole event was used as a scapegoating for his presidency.

But using 9/11 for a fake narrative about terrorists/dictators to create new wars and surveillance on US citizens was just too much.

Worst president ever.

Charing a veterans group a discounted $100,000 to attend and speak? Veterans his wars created?
Salt in the wounds.

Worst president ever.


500,000 dead? Sounds like Trump except they were Americans.

And Trump tried to kill the vice president, overturn the election he lost and end democracy.

And lazy like hell. His fat arse golfed, tweeted and watched TV all day.

Bush 2 was 2nd worst. Vacation constantly until 9/11 which was an act of terrorism, but used as an excuse for war to steal Iraq's oil. Saddam was secular and had zip to do with 9/11.

Osama was in Afghanistan, but later left for Pakistan. Our Saudi "allies" knew where he was because royals attended his daughter's wedding in Afghanistan.

Katrina was incompetence on a local and national level. But, that general put in charge was great!


You are a liar and a racist.


Exactly Keelai.

Bush was never perfect but 45 takes the Crown for biggest CLOWN in the history of the us.


Trump makes Bush Jr. look like a genius.


He makes the fly on Mike Pence's head look like a genius🐝


True. I mean OP is right that Bush was bad, but yes, cannot top Conald for top prize. But OP is a 9/11 Truther loon, probably listens to Alex Jones so we can disregard his rant. It's too bad the MC boards are overruneby the Alt Right.


500.000 dead of other diseases,not corona! And following what you wrote,how many people died under Obama-Biden years of Swine Flu,H1N1,and Ebola?? And they didnt do lockdowns for those!


Conspiracy theories nonsense! Why do you fear reality so much?


Well DUH.

He started, with help from BOTH shit political parties in the USA, a forever war.

Yippie. War!!!! Forever. Thank you Bush.


The forever war started in 1775.


This doesn't look like a passenger airliner hitting the Pentagon to me.

For those still living in the Matrix proceed with caution, you might get redpilled.


I've long thought it was a missile but this is the first I've seen it


Crazy isn't it? What part of the building is that? I've read somewhere it's the part of the building that deals with moneys.


Ok, Q! Carry on with your bullshit! But, I lived in D.C. during 9-11 and saw the fucking plane screaming low headed towards the Pentagon. An explosion, fire, and smoke was witnessed.

I saw it, and thousands of others you daft fool!

Go back to jerking off to Qcrap.


As busy as DC is, traffic coming to a standstill, witnesses testifying it was a PLANE, you would think they would find something else to latch onto. Like Keelai’s & Tilly’s claim Trump personally murdered 500,000 people. My personal belief is the aforementioned should take a long walk off a short pier.

It’s so damn easy to do research. People on TV lost loved ones on that flight!


You just may wish to read the following.


Bush and Biden are surely the worst presidents ever


Narcissistic reality star Trump was our biggest mistake. The shit he tried to pull off was criminal


Biden is well on his way to overtaking Bush and god helps us if Kamala gets in


Worst for me is still ODumbo but Dementia Joe is well on the way to taking the mantle of worst president. I blame ODumbo for race relations taking a nose dive and bringing us to the boiling point we are at right now.


What did he do exactly? Ive heard black people say he didn't do enough to help black people excel.


I think when the press would ask him about his opinion of some supposed racial incidents involving the police (the Beer Summit guy, the shootings involving Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin) he always sided with the criminals without question and his words were always twisted by the media to make it a black vs. White issue. Also I think he's just a racist asshole.


If a gun were held to my head and I had to pick 4 years under Trump or 4 years under Liittleboots I'd pick Littleboots, only because Trump kept throwing everyone under the bus, Kelly, Tillerson, etc. Littleboots was gracious enough to praise "Brownie," who actually seemed to care about the job he was entrusted with, despite his lack of capabilities.


43: War Criminal [Afghanistan/Iraq]
44: Drone Kangz [Libya/Syria/Iraq/Mexican Cartel (Fast & Furious)]
45: Clown World [Yemen/African continent]
46: Zzzzz... Huh? Where am I? [Syria]
