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Why do Republicans like to pick on Trans people ?

How Trans Kids Became a GOP Target

At least 117 bills in some 33 states have been introduced in the current legislative session targeting trans youth. Some of the legislation focuses on restricting access to puberty blockers; other legislation aims to restrict participation of transgirls in girls' sports. In this segment, Brooke speaks to Katelyn Burns, a freelance writer who covers politics, LGBTQ issues, and reproductive health policy, about the propaganda and politics behind the current wave of anti-trans legislation. Then, she speaks with Dr. Jack Turban, a fellow in child and adolescent psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine, about what science says is the best path forward for producing healthier, happier adolescence.

This is a segment from our May 7th, 2021 program, Trans* Formations.

In other words this is too much like Republican whines like "The War Against Christmas" or "The Trans Bathroom Ban" or "Cancelling Dr Suess" ... because Republicans need to whip up divisions over false, useless things because they have no real agenda that any serious American would follow.


A kid isn't mature enough to make this kind of decision and one wonders if this is truly their idea or their parents. We don't let kids vote, drive, see R rated movies, get Tattoos, drink or buy cigarettes but somehow they can make major body altering decisions like this?


Btw all this was started by John Money. Take a look at this wacko


Just listen to the podcast. I've had enough of your wacko irrelevant links and claims.


LOL a Wikipedia link straight to the guy is wacko to you? Why would I listen to a trans podcast then?


When the subject is A, you always point to B, C or D. The link is irrelevant, and if you cannot exert the brainpower it takes to make a point, I'm not wasting my time to read about it.

I made the original point about a podcast I've listened to. That is the point. Comment on it or not, but don't come in with a comment that is pointless.


So John Money had nothing to do with trans issues? Your cognitive dissonance is showing


You are very good at making twisted Trumpian-style arguments,
that is the subject is transgender ... a specific podcast, and you
come in and try to redefine the terms on your own basis judge
it, and run off to whatever BS conclusion you want. You constantly
employ this chickenshit tactic.

So, no, this has nothing to do with my cognitive dissonance, and it's
pretty clear you don't even know what cognitive dissonance is.

Your every comment is a dishonest dodge with an asshole twist to it,
so don't expect me to get detoured by it.


So you're just gonna ignore that the doctor who pushed this trans trend was a paedophile and sexually abused his most prominent two patients to the point of suicide. Yeah I wouldn't want to talk about that if I was you either.

Matter of fact do you think its ok trans adults go to kids schools for trans story time? Do you think trans kids should be going to and performing in drag shows?


Your story is bullshit. You pick some arbitrary point to reframe
and issue you are not familiar with, let alone expert about, and
create a whole implied BS argument around it, and then childishly
insist ... and expect that anyone but your troll puppets take you
seriously, when you are just a pain in the ass. If that doesn't work
you make up ridiculous claims about what other people are saying.

If you want to post BS about the issue - do it on your own in your
own post, make a statement ... but all you do is play your little one
trick trolling on others. I'm not interested.


Not interested and yet you keep replying.

Are you saying Money didn't do those things?

Why can't you answer the last bit? Are you a pedo?


Those are not replies stupid, those are indications that you are wasting your time if you mean to discuss this, which I know you don't because you are completely unequipped to discuss anything past your little insult scripts.

There is nothing to reply to, you are empty headed as far as a conversationalist.

And the fact that you insist that you know everything about this seems to indicate you're spent a lot more time in this pedo space than me, so maybe trying to divert attention from your own pathologies, after all there is clearly a lot there.


They are easily scared by things that are different. The excuse comes later.

If the trans person is young, they claim youth is the problem.

If the trans person is in the military, they claim expense is the problem.

The longer the conversation goes, the closer they get to saying what they really feel, that it's a mental disorder.


Are you saying its not a mental disorder?


There you go again using the word disorder in a way that suits you when it does not fit. The DSM used to define homosexuality as a mental disorder. Russians defined being against the system as a mental disorder ... it that case 50% of Americans are insane. So what if it is a disorder, so is Asperger's and Aspie Elon Musk is one of the richest people in the world and just hosted SNL. Disorder doesn't mean you can lump everything into the black, hate, bad, evil, non-white, immigrant, Democratic, Progressive negative category that your every simple-minded argument indicates.


LOL you people are the ones trying to change words to fit what "suits you"

Do you think people who cut themselves are mentally healthy? Why is it healthy then to cut off your genitals?


I never said any of this nonsense, and I don't reduce trans-sexuality to cutting one's genitals off which is again per your normal BS totally uninformed, stupid, cruel and wrong. You're a real dummy.


I see why you support them you pedo. You're mentally ill too!


What happens is you change the argument to suit your need. Someone wants to be supportive of a person's urge to question their gender orientation, then you say we WANT people to cut their nuts off. That's not what we are doing, but you want to push the Reactionary button and claim this is how We feel and act. It's BS and a bad look for the Wrong Wing. Don't be THOUGHTFUL and CARING, just bitch that things aren't the way you want them to be.


I absolutely feel it’s a mental disorder. It doesn’t mean I hate anybody or wish anyone ill will.


That's not an answer so I'll take that as you're ashamed to admit that you are in fact a pedo


If I was attracted to children I'd be attracted to you because your brain is so infantile, so guess that proves you wrong right there, little boy. Go back to your Uncle Ernie and fiddle about and leave the Internet alone.


LOL someone's mad aren't you Mister Pedo


Curious as to what kind of satisfaction you get out of this life? Maybe you ought to accept that you have a mental disorder that is eating your guts out and find some help. Trump addiction is the source of your pain and misery. The cure for it is a some truth.


LOL Trump. He's still living rent free in your head. So according to you I have a mental disorder but people who cut their junk off don't. Yeah ok bub. You're crazier than a reindeer stuck in a car wash


"Rent free" This cracks me up
The guy has spent all his life wanting to gain as much attention as he can, unwarranted, (until he became Warranted),
and now Lame-o's pipe up with "rent free" like it's an argument against how toxic this ass-wad is regarding our culture.

Hey bub, you're living Rent Free too on the Internet and making the World a Worst Place For It. Enjoy the Freedom while it lasts, because jackwads who abuse the Liberty will see it taken away.
Because of of ass wipes like you, we can't have nice things. No respect, no appreciation = no Freedom.


Wow! You're seriously damaged and full of shit. It's really scary that you might actually believe what you post!


nailed it


I don't like saying rude things to other posters by calling them names, so that I regret, but it's pretty damn upsetting how forth right some people are about such malevolent ideas.


Tommy ! I love it !


I wouldn't really say they're picking but rather it's from 'conservative' values of nuclear family, man & woman, poop those kids out not abort it, etc. etc. Think the lot of it is based off religious think. Sure they're accepting of gays now (after Obama came into power) but it'll take awhile before they accept trans. Maybe Kaitlyn Jenner will change things if she gets elected on how GOP feel about trans people.

For puberty blockers, they think reversing will either not be possible or too late in the stage even though it is reversible vs. surgery but the mental health implications are high for these folks since suicide rate is 50%+ and they don't want to them to be put into that situation?

For trans in sports, they want fairness in sports since there are real world examples of the opposite sex turned other having clear advantage due to the ex-testosterone, larger bone mass or whatnot so they cream the women; seems to be mostly with men becoming woman than women becoming man is the issue.


Ok genius, you ever wonder why there is not legislation that aims to restrict participation of transboys in boys' sports? Any transboys trying out for football in your town? Male boxing? Male track? Did you know a top tier high school boys soccer team can beat a womens Olympic soccer team? Ever wonder genius, why Olympic sports, actually all sports are seperated by biological gender?

Is this kind of trans activism stupid or evil? What's the difference?


What is with all the 'genius' stuff, idiot? What, are you retarded or something?

You right-wing morons have to pack every comment with this kind of garbage because you really have nothing to say, no arguments, and no understanding of issues, past the insult lines you get from Rush and Tucker, just a role to play of overly loud simple-minded boor.


I've seen plenty of arguments and responses to your OP and you've ignored them all and hurled insults.


Your comments are always couched insultingly, and when someone starts out calling me a genius I know they are not serious about discussing anything, so insults deserved for wasting my time and taking up space.


His points seemed pretty serious to me. Your inability to refute them is clear to all to see.


All of your phony accounts


Corbell's observation is spot on.


chilone's summary of Corbell is bang on the money.


One, because they're douchebags. Two, it's a distraction from that they have nothing to offer people besides "We hate Biden". It'll probably work. Their voters always fall for it.


Why do Trans people like to pick on Republicans?


Why don't any of your comments have truth value or make any sense at all?

