MovieChat Forums > Politics > "Woman" charged after sex assault in Tor...

"Woman" charged after sex assault in Toronto park.

How hot does "she" look to you?


Wait until the little boy has to testify at trial and the judge and prosecutor insist that he refer to his attacker as “she” and “her” because the defendant would be victimized by the misgendering stigma. Imagine how confused the kid is after telling the police he was sexually assaulted by a bearded grown man only to be repeatedly corrected by law enforcement officers and told it was actually a woman named Ruby. Talk about aggravating the horrific nature of the assault and confusion the child has to deal with


Judge: "leave my courtroom, Timmy. We will not stand for hurt feeling in my domain."


OMGosh! When I opened the link I thought a wrong photo was shown. Who’s this man? I read the caption under the photo. The he was a she who thinks she’s a he.😱🙇🏼‍♀️ Yep! The world has gone to hell in a hand basket!


I thought I clicked on the wrong link at first.


LOL! 😅 Sexy broad, ain’t she? Does she make you guy’s hearts go pitter patter? 💓



LOL! 🤣 That answers my query! Great reply! She, he, or it…is rather a turn off!🤢🤮


Its a man Baybay!


ooh, such a charming place is Trudeau's Canada.




Put in jail for a couple of days and he won't ever do that again.


Don’t you mean “she”? By calling this sub-human thing what she wants to be is giving her credence.


That’s disgusting and horrible, but I do wonder why you a) posted this in politics and b) chose this particular story when there are literally thousands of child abuse cases perpetrated by seemingly normal looking straight people.

One wouldn’t have a particular agenda here, would they?


Definite agenda here. It was a story going around on the interwebs for that particular reason. People are finding this a stretch.

I also put this in politics to avoid "liberals are insane" talk on the general boards.


Ah, more back slapping and “right on man”s here in the Poo-litics section. I get it.

While it’s a scream seeing the same anti-trans jokes and comments from the same people for the gazillionth time, let’s not forget the victim here. That poor kid. Just horrible.


Because this thing, and it is a thing, an “It” which falls into the political alphabet soup realm. 🤮

This so-called trans gender crap is just that…CRAP! 💩


Damn right. That kid is traumatized in ways that'll scar him for life than what it would normally scar him if it were your average pedo.


Why dont you post all thousands of them to even up the balance?


Because that would be depressing and sad and would serve no good purpose. I mean, what sort of person would get a chuckle out of those child abuse cases?


Someone whose surname is Biden I guess?

You've obviously not spent a lot of time talking to lefties on the internet if you think "no-one laughs at child abuse"!


Dude, (or dudette or non-binary humanoid or etc, don’t want to misgender you) this is news because these people aren’t even trying anymore. No need to even TRY and look or dress like a woman (not that it would make it any better), just claim they you’re a woman and everyone (including the legal system) has to take your word for it and play into your delusions.




You sure it isn't trans woman? Lol... Courts will side with Ruby else this is SEXIST!


No mention if "she" is a transwoman. I mean, "her" name is Ruby and I guess that's all we need.
