MovieChat Forums > Politics > Twitter banned a bunch of accounts today...

Twitter banned a bunch of accounts today that represented the Arizona audit and the Georgia audit

Unfortunately, no word yet on whether this action magically stopped Jack Dorsey from being nearly 45, and turned him back into a teenager (which is what he wished it would do)

oh well, I hope you get what you want, weirdo man who goes around with a Bin-Laden beard.


Wow this is a huge surprise. Not. It’s not going to work because there are plenary of other ways to get the information out beside communist Chinese Democrat party controlled social media.

And when it does we can expect the usual “super variant, “explosion of new cases”, “Russian cyber attack”.

If Biden had won the Democrat media/party would be leading the charge on the audits. They aren’t. Why?

Trump Won


Exactly. This whole situation is painfully Orwellian, it's like we are living in a nightmare.

Why do you want to stop audits if you say they're not going to find anything?


It's obvious, ya silly! The Democrats don't want to waste money!!! Sheesh!


To all the MAGAtards out there, think of twitter as a bakery.

And think of those accounts as demanding a gay wedding cake.

Twitter said get out.


Wait... so you're saying Twitter are superstitious morons who are kicking out valid customers.

The whole fucking bakery thing was like 6 years ago?

Why aren't you bothered about Mudslime countries executing homosexuals, but you are bothered by cakes? If you agree you need to kill yourself, please indicate by either refusing to answer or dodging the question.


So fair.
So balanced.
