MovieChat Forums > Politics > Covid vaccines would be called POISON if...

Covid vaccines would be called POISON if Donald Trump was still in office

If Trump was still in the White House (which we all know he should be) all these Democrats who are pushing the vaccines onto the American public would be referring to the "TRUMP VACCINE" as unnecessary and poisonous. "If you take the Trump vaccines you will die!"

I only wish that Pres. Trump had come out in favor of masks back in spring 2020, then the left-wingers and their buddies in the media would have come out against masking and none of us would have had to be wearing face-diapers for the past 14 months.


The media seem to be the ones really in charge of America. Even when Trump was president they were still telling people what they are and aren't allowed to think. The way they reported everything from 2017-2020 they were talking as though Trump winning somehow made him the "loser". LOL

Him becoming president was just a slight "slip" in their control, that happened while the insane control-freaks let their guard down...

cause they were essentially "drunk" or hungover or tired, whatever - after 8 years of patting themselves on the back and jerking off over them getting Obama elected. That was a long ass circle jerk.

If this really is the worst thing since the Black Death, how is a piece of cloth really supposed to stop us spreading it anyway?

Here in "my" country the UK, lots of people haven't been wearing them properly but no-one ever tells them to fix it. There are no signs telling people to put it on properly and no guardians enforcing it. They only focus on going after conspiracy theorists, but never "lazy" or dumb people.
