MovieChat Forums > Politics > The Babylon Bee presents 'Imagine... Com...

The Babylon Bee presents 'Imagine... Communism'

Parody of John Lennon song:


Imagine there's no bread
It's easy if you try
No tacos or hot sauce
Nothing cold or fried
Imagine all the people
living in the gulags
Imagine there's no money
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to eat or drink now
And no bacon too
Imagine all the people
Living short lifespans
You may say I'm a commie
but I'm not the only one
And someday you will join us
Or we'll shoot you in the face
Imagine no possessions
Because all your stuff was redistributed
(That's a good thing)
Lots of greed and hunger
(I hope you like cat meat)
But seriously please can I have a potato
(Brian Stelter)
Imagine all the people
sharing all your stuff
You may say I'm a commie
But I'm not the only one
Did you say you don't like that?
Then it's the gulag for you son.


Stupid like McCarthyism


So, recognizing that Communism always fails and kills a lot of people in the process is McCarthyism?

Maybe you should crack open a History book.


> recognizing that Communism always fails and kills a lot of people in the process is McCarthyism?

You, not knowing what you are talking about is not something I want to waste my time with.

Maybe you should recognize a BS history book since you are obviously an American who has missed a lot of the contemporary discussion on history.


*yawn* Typical reply from someone who can't address the point.

From here:

Let us, therefore, remind ourselves what communism wrought.

Writing in this newspaper, A. Barton Hinkle noted that “while the Soviet Union is no more and communism has been discredited in most eyes for many years, it is hard even now to grasp the sheer scale of agony imposed by the brutal ideology of collectivism.” Indeed.

“The Black Book of Communism,” a postmortem of communist atrocities compiled by European and American academics in 1997, concluded that the human cost of genocides, extrajudicial executions, deportations, and artificial famines stood at over 94 million.

Professor Mark Kramer from the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University edited “The Black Book.” Subsequent research, he told me, suggests that “the total number (of people) who died unnatural deaths under communist regimes … (is) upward of 80 million.”

Let’s put that new number in perspective.

Between 1825 and 1917, wrote Stéphane Courtois from the French National Centre for Scientific Research, the Tsarist regime in Russia “carried out 6,321 political executions … whereas in two months of official ‘Red Terror’ in the fall of 1918 Bolshevism achieved some 15,000.”

Or, consider the Inquisition. According to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome, “there were some 125,000 trials of suspected heretics in Spain … (between 1478 and 1834, but only) about 1 percent of the defendants (i.e., 1,250) were executed.”

Finally, consider the counterreformation. Queen “Bloody” Mary, who tried to restore Catholicism to England between 1553 and 1558, sent 280 dissenters to the stake. Between November 1917, when the communists came to power in Russia, and the North Korean famine in the mid‐​1990s, communists were responsible for deaths of at least 154 people every hour.


Cato? They are the equivalent of the American communists you dolt.


Typical liberal tactic: Don’t debate the facts, but instead make up shit about the source.



Ever since Fox you Conservatives think you can lie with impunity and pretend no one notices while you claim that is what the Liberals are doing. Just like voter fraud ... all done by Republicans claiming it is the Liberals.


More bullshit instead of addressing the topic.

Here's a hint, lightweight: If you're going to claim I'm a liar, it's much more effective if you actually prove I'm lying.

Otherwise, it's just you bloviating.

Now tell me again how you don't want to waste your time, while continuing to respond to posts.




Imagine is easily one of the stupidest songs history. Other than being a nice illustration of leftwing ignorance.


Especially when you consider that the person who wrote it used capitalism to make hundreds of millions of dollars.


And used a form of protest of laying in bed in a hotel suite all day. Mark David Chapman is a fucking scholar and a gentleman!


You may say I'm a commie
but I'm not the only one
And someday you will join us
Or we'll shoot you in the face

it's a really dark time when a CHRISTIAN parody website is funnier than anything The Onion has done in years.
