MovieChat Forums > Politics > NC Republican doesn't care if you're mai...

NC Republican doesn't care if you're maimed, or exposed to toxins at work

Republican Madison Cawthorn is proving himself to be dangerous. Not only does he want everyone to be exposed to COVID 19 (he's an anti-vaxxer and anti-masks), but he's submitting a bill to 'gut OSHA', the agency which protects employees from health hazards at their place of employment.

On September 9, the North Carolina Congressman proudly tweeted he is filing a bill to gut OSHA. So he doesn't care if you're endangered at your workplace and subject to being exposed to toxins, or unsafe equipment which can cause you to lose an arm or a leg - just like he doesn't care if you're exposed to COVID without a mask or vaccination. This sociopath Trump-wannabe takes some kind of pleasure in seeing his constituents get maimed, or even die.


The government should stop forcing masks and vaccines on people then


If they do as you suggest, then Cawthorn won't file a bill to gut OSHA ? Is that what you're saying ?


I'm saying OSHA has no business telling people what medical procedures they need to get.. Got it now?


I'm guessing you don't know what OSHA is responsible for.


Occupational Safety and Health Admin, the are responsible for work place safety they are NOT doctors who can order you to get medical procedures


Wow a whole 6 posts. Welcome aboard lemming. Post often.


Why is it that the so-called “vaccinated” are so concerned about being exposed? They’re “vaccinated”. They’re safe right? ;)


It's not Oshas job to be a strong arm enforcement agency of Biden's Tyranny. Masks don't do a fucking thing btw.
