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House Select Committee sends subpoenas to Trump's "inner circle" for January 6 attack on US Capitol

Trump's 'inner circle' - Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, and Kashyap Patel - have been invited to a deposition by the House Select Committee which is investigating Trump's involvement in the January 6 insurrection on the Capitol.

Not really 'invited' to the deposition, but legally 'subpoenaed'.

The subpoenas — the first issued by the select committee — compel the four to produce sought-after documents relevant to the deadly attack by Oct. 7, and then sit for a deposition the following week, on either Oct. 14 or 15.

"The Select Committee is investigating the facts, circumstances, and causes of the January 6th attack and issues relating to the peaceful transfer of power, in order to identify and evaluate lessons learned and to recommend to the House and its relevant committees corrective laws, policies, procedures, rules, or regulations," Committee Chair Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said in a statement.

Each invitation - errr, legal letter - was tailored to each recipient.

Thompson tells Meadows, for instance: "You were the President's Chief of Staff and have critical information regarding many elements of our inquiry. It appears you were with or in the vicinity of President [Donald] Trump on January 6, had communications with the President and others on January 6 regarding events at the Capitol, and are a witness regarding activities of that day."

The letter says Meadows also engaged in multiple attempts to contest the presidential election that Trump lost. It says that according to documents obtained from the Justice Department, Meadows was in direct communications with top officials at the agency to probe election fraud in several states weeks after the election. It also says the panel understands that Meadows was directly in contact with state officials to urge such probes as well.


Lock them all up and toss the key!


The most corrupt presidency in history. What a disgrace he and his 'inner circle' is.
