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NYAG Letitia James isn't playing around when it comes to Trump Org. financial docs

NYAG Letitia James ain't playing when it comes to Trump. Her investigation into his Trump Organization's financial affairs has him and his family shaking in their shorts with a new court order by a New York state judge on Friday gives Donald Trump’s company an ultimatum: Either turn over all the documents to comply with subpoenas from the New York Attorney General’s office (NYAG), or you’ll have to pay for a third party to do it for you.

The Trump Organization has already agreed that if the NYAG believes the company has not fully complied with its requests, the business will hire a third party firm to go through electronic records belonging to its top executives, including ex-President Donald Trump and his family. The prosecutors have long complained Trump has not fully complied with the AG office’s demands for key documents in its ongoing investigation.

“For more than a year now, the Trump Organization has failed to adequately respond to our subpoenas, hiding behind procedural delays and excuses. Once again, the court has ordered that the Trump Organization must turn over the information and documents we are seeking, otherwise face an independent third-party that will ensure that takes place. Our work will continue undeterred because no one is above the law,” Attorney General James said in the statement.

Those docs, which Trump is holding back, include those financial records on himself, his two older sons, his eldest daughter, his personal assistant, and those already involved in in the DA and AG criminal investigation - including longtime chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, who was indicted in July by Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance on charges of tax fraud.

The agreement was entered on September 3, but was sealed at the time. The judge opened the sealed filing yesterday, under requests from legal news outlet Law360. The order gives the Trump Organization to choose the firm, but AG James has the right for final approval.


I love a steak when it's only cooked on one side.


First time I had steak that way was at Mar A Largo. Trump said it was his favorite. Do you think he will lose Mar A Largo when he financially collapses ?


Sounds like a politically motivated witch hunt. Do you want a civil war? Because this is how you get a civil war.


Let me get this're saying we get a civil war for a state attorney general investigating tax fraud by a corporation armed to her teeth with more than enough evidence to start the investigation ? Really ? That's how civil wars start ? By properly enforcing law and order and stating NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW?


She’s obviously motivated to keep the Deep State in power. They are determined to crush the idea to keep America a nationalist state and Trump has spearheaded the MAGA movement. This is political persecution with the determination to surrender our country to the Globalists.


I say you get a civil war when you abuse the power of the state to go after your partisan enemies with politically motivated witch hunts.

You ready for when people start to fight back? Cause starting a war and then whining when people fight back, makes you look stupid.


The guys a criminal!
Lock the lying bastard up.


Talking shit on your enemies, make them not notice that you are imprisoning them for the simple act of disagreeing with you politically.


I don't want a civil war I want a peaceful succession. The red states can go their own way.


I would be up for that, too. But your fellow lefties want to Rule. They would fight. Hell, they are fighting already, people dying in the streets, people imprisoned for having the wrong politics, or defending themselves from violent mobs.

Looks like it will be a bumpy ride. If you don't want a civil war, now might be the time to try to talk sense to people.


Trust the liberals when we tell you - we want to see you secede peacefully. Pack up your bags, weapons, confederate flags, Ivermectin, Clorox, Lysol, UV flashlights, and MyPillow bedding and head to Mar A Largo, your new capitol building in the new country of Floritex. You can have Florida - Texas, and live happily ever after while you all eat your own.


I don't trust you. YOu people lie all the time, and are full of hate.


OK, then, trust Trump.

Do as he instructs his following to do:

Inject yourself with bleach and Lysol, take your Ivermectim, and shine a UV flashlight up your ass. He would never lie to you - all that will protect you from Covid.


Trump isn't the bad guy here, you people are.


I mean how bad can he be if he's telling you to inject yourself with Clorox and Lysol, and shove a UV flashlight up your ass ? Sounds like a nice, caring guy to me.


You are the one trying to imprison people for political reasons. That makes you the bad guy. Your talking shit, is just you talking shit.


You are the one trying to imprison people for political reasons.

And you have credible sources to back this up, correct ? You're not just pulling this out of your ass to make way for the UV flashlight, right ?


Save your bullshit for the tourists. The way you people go after your enemies while giving your own side a pass for similar or worse behavior, makes the prosecutions political and the prisoners, are thus political prisoners.


I think I know what you're saying about prosecutions being political, and thus political prisoners.

You mean this...

Thanks for reminding us and 'the tourists'...


So, you're not denying that the witch hunts against TRump (and other conservatives) are politically motivated.

All you have is a "yeah but you too".

Got it. Thanks for your admission.


Comprehension isn't your strong suit. I started the post with "I think I know what you're saying about prosecutions being political, and thus political prisoners."

That's hardly an 'admission' to the QAnon theory you're trying to push. I gave you the corrected example of what you were trying to say.

Please, continue...


I understand just fine. I made a point, and instead of addressing it, you ran from it. The obvious conclusion is that, on some level, you realized that what I said was true, so all you could do, was distract from it.


Instead of addressing it, I ran away ? LOL!

As I said, comprehension isn't your strong suit. Second time I need to point this out to you.

I addressed it clearly - and gave you an appropriate example to back up your claim you failed to make the first time around. You failed to comprehend this, and I pointed it out the first time.

The obvious conclusion is, it's easy to bury you in the bullshit you keep shoveling.


You had a chance to address my point, and you choose instead to make a counter accusation. That is not what people who are confident in their position, does.


Point was addressed, you couldn't comprehend. Try again.


The way you people go after your enemies while giving your own side a pass for similar or worse behavior, makes the prosecutions political and the prisoners, are thus political prisoners.


Try again, this time a little harder.


Try what? YOu didn't say anything,


So if a US citizen commits' tax fraud, or any other serious crime against the country, and the state AG takes action and investigates and prosecutes that citizen, it's considered 'abuse of power' by the SAG and a motivated witch hunt if the two belong to opposing political parties ?

And the action by the SAG - to prosecute a criminal - will ignite a civil war ? Is that what you're saying ? Because the members of the political party to which the criminal belongs to will 'fight back' against the actions of the SAG ? That's what will happen, according to you ?

Coming from Trumpers who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021 to overthrow democracy and hang the VP, I guess this does make sense to you and your ilk.

Thanks for more of this QAnon insight.


Dude. I hope you don't believe your own lies. Cause all that is then, is you setting yourself up for a world of hurt, when reality slaps you upside your head.

Cause NONE of us are falling for your bullshit anymore.


Believe my own lies ? LOL! I'm just reiterating your QAnon thought pattern, based on conspiracy theories: a state attorney general, doing her job to investigate and convict a criminal, will cause a civil war. .


Do you realize that other people see things differently than you?


Of course - there is a whole cult out there who see things through the eyes of QAnon. Scary, eh ?


You are supporting politically motivated prosecutions. That is a serious step towards ending our democratic system. That you talk shit in defense of your traitorous behavior, is just you being an asshole.


So QAnon believes when someone commits a criminal act such as tax fraud, and the State AG goes after them for it, it's a politically motivated prosecution which is ending our democratic system ?

Thanks for this QAnon update.


You people are going over Trump's records with a fine tooth comb, NOT because of any actual tax issues, but because you are looking for something, ANYTHING, that can be ginned up into an excuse to lock him up. And if it just gives you an excuse to smear him and be an asshole in the process, excellent consolation prize for you.


Damn! QAnon really attracted the most gullible people in America. Kudos to them.


So, saying "qanon" is all you have? Pretty pathetic of you.

My point stands. Your politically motivated prosecutions make you the bad guy.


QAnon is all you can give, so that's all I have from you. That's how it works.


Really? Are you pretending that your motive in caring about this investigation is because of the actual accused wrongdoing, OR is it because Trump is your enemy and you want to see your enemies in prison?

Rhetorical question. Your motive for supporting this investigation is POLITICAL. Your behavior demonstrates my point, just fine. Thanks.


My motive is I want to see criminals go to prison if proven guilty, as no one is above the law. This investigation - armed with enough evidence to warrant an investigation - is the first step.


Are you pretending that your motivation for defending Trump is that he is innocent of any criminal doing, OR is it because Trump is your lord and savior, and you want to see him be treated above the law, unlike any other American citizen ?

Rhetorical question. Your motive for defending this criminal is POLITICAL. Your behavior demonstrates my point, just fine. Thanks.


I don't believe you.


Your behavior demonstrates my point, just fine. Thanks.


My being skeptical of you, does not support your asshole talk of "lord and savior".



You can't really believe she will do anything to Donald do you.Just another lip off from a liberal wanting some press.


Certainly this will be the one that gets him

