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Giuliani openly admits his election fraud "evidence" came from social media posts

Say it ain't so, Rudy....

Giuliani appears to have finally let slip the source of his evidence for widespread voter fraud in last year's presidential election: social media.

To boot, the onetime mayor of New York City even admitted that he did not independently contact his sources or fact-check their claims, adding that doing so would have made him a "terrible lawyer."

Giuliani shared the news in a deposition hearing in August, according to the Colorado Sun, which first obtained the court documents this week. The Denver-based defamation case, which concerns false claims about election security company Dominion Voting Systems, began after Giuliani and others shared baseless conspiracy theories about the company's role in "rigging" the 2020 election against Donald Trump.

One employee in particular, Eric Coomer, brought the suit after he became the subject of a series of lies from various Trumpworld characters alleging he was at the center of a shady plot to elect Joe Biden.

Now, however, we know where those claims originated: on social media posts Giuliani saw — and then promptly forgot the details of. In fact, Giuliani admitted that he could not even remember which platform he saw these posts on, despite the fact that they spurred him to mount a monthslong quest to overturn the country's presidential election.

"Those social media posts get all one to me," Giuliani said. And when asked if he could remember anything else about the so-called evidence he had been citing for months as justification for Donald Trump's reinstallment, he said: "Right now, I can't recall anything else that I laid eyes on."

Prior to the deposition, The New York Times tracked down what may have been the source of Giuliani's claims about Coomer, which apparently first surfaced in comments made by right-wing podcast host Joe Oltmann.

The popular far-right media personality claimed to have infiltrated an "Antifa conference call," which was attended by a Dominion employee who identified himself as "Eric." He offered no proof to back up the tall tale, though that didn't stop the claims from spreading like wildfire in the conspiracy-laden conservative media ecosystem.

Giuliani even parroted the claims in a press conference last November.

"One of the Smartmatic patent holders, Eric Coomer, I believe his name is, is on the web as being recorded in a conversation with Antifa members saying that he had the election rigged for Mr. Biden," Giuliani said.

But when asked by lawyers during the August deposition hearing, Giuliani admitted that he didn't bother to fact-check the claims, or even reach out to Oltmann at all.

"It's not my job in a fast-moving case to go out and investigate every piece of evidence that's given to me," Giuliani said.

"Why wouldn't I believe him? I would have to have been a terrible lawyer… gee, let's go find out it's untrue. I didn't have the time to do that."


Liar, liar pants on fire -Lock him up!


The Big Lie is a GOP talking point. Giuliani was likely following Trump's direction.


Yep, that's how it works.

The ex president would say something false, his cultists would post "prove this didn't happen" type of stuff about it on social media and the internet, then Rudy would use his false persona as a legal expert to validate those posts and sell them to OAN, Newsmax and Fox and would eventually try them out in court.

It's a similar playbook Fox News invented. They would have their morning shows opine about blog posts and social media posts, then their noon shows would talk about the morning shows talking about it, and then their later shows with the highest ratings would opine that since everyone is talking about it then it must be true.

It's the easiest form of propaganda.


The ex president would say something false, his cultists would post "prove this didn't happen" type of stuff about it on social media and the internet

And most of those cultists in question are right here on this forum, as we all know. So these usual suspects were helping Rudy spread the lies here on this forum, and they quote them as 'facts' - and now he's admitting it was all fantasy.


What does your gut say about elections and Democrats?

Most think slimy anti Americans who would do anything to unseat trump

That entailed making sure they control 90% of the media.

The media used their power to with hold.stoties on joe and hunter.
You would think having a son who went around smoking crack, walks around filming himself naked, dating his dead brothers wife, sleeping with prostitutes and denying he got one pregnant until a court dna test.

If they ain't swaying Democrats

This guy goes around making foreign deals for his father. joe tells Ukraine you ain't getting any u.s. money.uless you start firing prosecutors looking into his family....

Insane the media can bury this stuff..


America's Mayor...what a fall from..well I wouldn't call it grace but respectability.


And where did the Russia Dossier come from? Who was recently indicted?
