MovieChat Forums > Politics > KY Mac'nJelly subpoenaed!

KY Mac'nJelly subpoenaed!

Will that dumb whore ignore the subpoena or will she show up?


Go away Doggiedung.


Awwwweeeee, are we butthurt today?


I can't be hurt by scumbags.


Isn't that what your sister said when the condom you were wearing broke?


Wow!! Did you come up with that all by yourself? You exceeded my expectations. I figured you were in third grade but that's some fifth grade stuff!!


I am sure your sister feels the same way.


Doubling down, I see. Good job.

P.S. I don't have a sister, imbecile.


LOL! Technically, she is your mom. But the gene pool in your trailer park is so small, it doesn't make much difference. And no, you having sex with her is not a good idea, but as everyone knows, that hasn't stopped you two.


Your mindlessness is staggering. What do you think you're accomplishing with your grade school attempts at insults? You're embarrassing yourself, junior.


Don't be butthurt, little snowflake; I think you probably have excuses for being mentally retarded: 1) your mom was an active crack whore when you were in her polluted womb, 2) you have no idea who your daddy is, & 3) generations of inbreeding preceded your conception.


More 5th grade words of wisdom. Try harder. I'm falling asleep waiting for a sign of intelligence.


LOL! Didn't you already type that one?


If you had even 5th grade reading comprehension, you would not be asking this.


O Plese! skool don't matters no more since the demokkkrats done band it wit the stay at home orders!


Well, I'm going to leave you to respond with more childish idiocy. Continue to entertain yourself with your awesome burns.....


“Be Best, und stop boollying people. Only my hussbund, ze ex-Pressedent uff ze Yoonitet Staytes, iss ullowet to doo dthat. My hussbant hass hemorhoits, und cahn't help himself.”


And speaking of a 5th grade reading comprehension, who on earth ever taught you how to use an ellipsis? If you learned to do it that way at your home school, I suggest you find a different home school.


You're determined to humiliate yourself. You might want to learn what an ellipse is, because I certainly didn't use one.


"Continue to entertain yourself with your awesome burns....."

At your home school, what do you guys call that little piece of grammatical butchery?
It sure looks like a 5th grader's attempt at using an ellipsis! LOL!


An ellipsis is three dots and even a "four dot ellipsis" has a space after the first dot, simpleton.


Haha! After you typed that 5 dot whatchamacallit (like a retarded home schooled 5th grader ATTEMPTING to use an ellipsis & then referring to it as an ellipse) then you had to look that one up didn't you?

And that, ladies & gentleman, is the best reason I can think of not to allow trailer trash to home school their little brats! Hahahahaha!!!


Again, learn what an ellipsis is, as I didn't use one. Idiot.


"Again, learn what an ellipsis is, as I didn't use one. Idiot."

LOL! My point exactly! You TRIED to use one, but you fucked it up because you didn't know how! Haha! You didn't even know how to spell the word until I called you out on it!


No. I didn't try to use one. If I did, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Yes, I misspelled it. Run with that if you think it's ammo for your lost cause.


"Yes, I misspelled it"

LOL! At the time you didn't know you were misspelling it!


Simmer down Beavis! Like I said, think what you want. You're a cigarette butt to me.


You are an example of the dangers of incest.


All right dumbass. Let's explore this. What is my name? Who are my parents? Where's your DNA evidence of me being the product of incest? Answer: You are a child who thinks you are actually being clever and insulting someone with what you perceive as "shocking" grossly taboo slurs. Guess what? I'm not insulted by little cigarette butt children trying to act big by showing off their foul mouths. It's really quite pathetic. You might want to try another tactic.


" name is chilone.....waaaaaa.....i wuz born in a singul wide n my mom iz also my sister.....waaaaaaa.....n i m smarter then u r.....waaaaaaaa!!!!!!"


Like I said.....


"waaaaaa.....i m rubber n u r glue.....bounses off uv me n stix 2 u.....waaaaaaaaa!!!"


That's better. Stay where your talents are.


LOL! It is definitely the best level for you to try to relate to! Ha ha!


What? Where's the 5th grade stuff? I'm disappointed!


LOL! And what's really funny is: that you don't even know the difference between a 3 & 4 dot ellipsis. (Haha! You just learned how to spell it in the last 5 minutes!) Oh, I know, you'll look it up now that I called you out on your ignorance, so I guess I can take credit for contributing to a slight upgrade in your education!


I do know the difference but it's clear you don't. If you did, you'd understand why I put it in quotes.....

Dots added for your confusion.


No, several posts ago you added the dots because you were clueless as to how to properly type an ellipsis & the dots were due to YOUR confusion. Now you are just doing it because you are a stubborn inbred piece of uneducated trailer trash trying to cover up for your genetic defects. LOL! But you are funny!


If you want to believe that, you go right ahead. It might just give you as much joy as your 5th grade attempts at insults. Little things please little minds.....


LOL! It has nothing to do with what I believe, loser; it has to do with the truth of the matter being that up until 10 or 15 minutes ago, you thought that terminating a sentence with 5 dots was a legitimate use of punctuation.


Just for the sake of laughing at you, assume I don't know how to spell ellipsis, do you know how to spell every single word or even every word you use? No. You don't, so don't even bother to lie. By your logic "you are a stubborn inbred piece of uneducated & trailer trash trying to cover up for your genetic defects."

Your spelling is not what makes you the idiot you've proven to be.


Actually, loser, I don't use words that I cannot spell or don't know the meaning of. I will leave that to you. A perfect example: the ellipsis & how to type one & how to spell the word.




Ha ha ha ha!!
I know you are, but what am I!
Ha ha ha ha!!
What a LOSER!


Ca'mom! Let's hear some more 5th stuff. That's what you're good at.


"Ca'mom! Let's hear some more 5th stuff. That's what you're good at."

Did you mean to type "5th grade stuff"?

Obviously that would be beyond your comprehension. Type some more of those "5 dot ellipsis's" for me, just to show how smart you really are.



LOL! That's a cute contraction. Did your mom teach you that one when she was home schooling you in the trailer park?


Keep going! You're dazzling everyone!!



Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!


Can't help yourself, huh?


Awe, "ca'mom!"


That's my line!

"Awe"?? Lol. What happened to not using words you don't know how to spell? Like I said. Liar.


Awwwww, don't be such a loser.


Don't you mean "awe"? Liar.


Awwwww . . . actually I am awe struck by your ignorance. (Note the proper use of the ellipsis.)


... as you demonstrate yours.....


You give new meaning to "hire the handicapped."


Bye Felicia.


I was talking to your mom, just now, after she finished blowing me, & we both agree that your behavior is disturbing. She wants to send you to military school, but I told her, "Ca'mom, it didn't do Fat Donnie any good, so lets give your little rug-rat a second chance." Take heed, I may not be able to talk your mom out of it the next time she wants to get rid of you.




