MovieChat Forums > Politics > Can universal healthcare be put on the n...

Can universal healthcare be put on the national election ballot as a proposition so all americans can vote on it?

Instead of having the corrupt USA congress vote on universal healthcare, can all US citizens vote on whether they want universal healthcare in the USA?


Most Americans do want it. When The GOP tried to get rid of Obamacare/ACA during Trump's administration, Republican supporters became livid and wanted to keep it. Notice that the GOP doesn't talk about getting rid of Obamacare anymore.

There are plenty of things that most Americans want, but politicians won't give us because their super rich donors are against it. For example, affordable housing. Where I live, both political parties take money from rich real estate developers and give them huge tax breaks while refusing to build affordable housing for the middle-class.


"Notice that the GOP doesn't talk about getting rid of Obamacare anymore."

They don't talk about Medicare anymore, which they've been bitching about for 56? years.

They don't talk about Social Security anymore, which they've been bitching about for 85? years.

Wigger Nation


I have never known any regular Americans not to want Medicare and Social Security. You'd have to provide a link for that one.

Most Americans wanted clean air and water, too. Then, a few multi-billionaire donors bribed the GOP who are now against it. But, remember it was Nixon who created the EPA.


I agree that there is a solid majority that do not want to eliminate Social Security or Medicare. I'm not going to look up polls, someone else can do that. I've been wrong before.

My point is that the GOP has been bitching about these programs forever, but never try to walk them back even when they're in the majority in Congress, even if it's just for show, like when they voted 600 times to repeal Obamacare when Obama was President.


When Trump took office, the GOP had a majority in both Houses and could finally "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare.

They had zero Replace ideas! And angry GOP constituents were showing up at Townhall meetings confronting politicians about not gutting it.

Liberals, including on this site, had a good laugh because the GOP voters had been against Obamacare, but loved the Affordable Care Act not realizing they're the same thing.


See, you guys exist best in a vacuum. Where you are free to exchange your false ideas and bullshit beliefs without us having to inject reality into your fantasy.


"A majority of Americans want to keep the Affordable Care Act in some manner, according to a poll conducted right before GOP lawmakers unveiled their proposal for replacing the law."


Yeah, because we know polls are never swayed in one direction or another.


GOP was swayed by their angry constituents which is the reason Obamacare still exist.


Angry Tennessee voters at Townhall meeting defending Obamacare:


Social Security is a tax on your income with a false promise that the government will pay it back. I guess if you ignore all americans who don't agree with you.


I'm looking forward to receiving Social Security. You don't want yours?


You're not going to recieve any, it's bankrupt. You would have been better putting your money into a retirement plan.


I recently read a book about the Koch brothers which said they were behind the lie that Social Security was bankrupt. They also wanted to privatize it which you don't hear about after people lost half their savings when the market collapsed.

They're basically anarchists who were against public schools, the Post Office, public libraries, Medicare, firefighters, police and anything else government run. The oilmen also created the lie about climate change NOT being human-based.

Two super rich extremists nutjobs spending their money to influence politics and people's beliefs.


you and your conspiracy theories...


Don't confuse conspiracy with conspiracy theory.

$14.1 billion dollars was spent in the last election. Citizens United allows unlimited "anonymous" political donations.

If I donate $50 million to the RNC, are they going to listen to me or you? The Koch superPACS & pals donate billions.

Now you understand why the rich get tax cuts, bank bailouts, and profit from overpriced drugs while we common folks pay for it.


i understand you're a conspiracy theorist who watched too many movies.

I've heard too many nearly identical claims about Hillary and the Clinton foundation to believe your nonsense.


Instead of ad hominem attacks, I suggest you educate yourself about campaign finance laws in your own country.

Federal Election Commission government website re: Citizen United decision


You don't even know what an ad hominem attack is, as evidenced by you randomly throwing the term out. an Ad hominem attack is specifically an argument in the form of "you are wrong because you are X" being rude isn't a fallacy.

what you're talking about is literally a conspiracy theory, no matter how much you believe in it doesn't change that fact. So why don't you believe in the conspiracy theories about the Clinton Foundation then? They use the same form as the ones you believe in.


The Supreme Court's Citizen United decision which allowed political donations to skyrocket is a fact. Your denial and playing divisive parlor games don't change that reality. I suggest you checkout the FEC website to learn more about how political campaigns are funded.


You can't be real about anything. You just shit all over it.

Racist pig.


Yes, you are a racist pig!


Once they tasted the blood of socialism, they want MOAR! Having healthy bodies can be very addictive and unhealthy to the Republican way of life.


Wouldn't matter if we voted, they'll just rig the voting in their favor anyway.


Your beef lies with Jo Jorgensen. If she were not on the ballot in 2020, Trump would have won.


Sure but only if taxpayers are allowed to vote. No freeloaders. Only the people who pay the bills should be allowed to vote on how the money is spent.


Even if federal legislation could somehow be on all ballots, I'm sure the establishment would call it something obscure like "super mega bad scary bad healthcare" for it to get on there.


Be sure to include that a 10% across the board tax increase to pay for it is included in the wording.

If it is.. I say most vote no.


Neither party would ever let you vote on it.



you want it

But you are NOT ever gonna get it.


The wealthy don't want people who aren't wealthy to have the same access to healthcare... I guess they figure if poor people have a better quality of life then it threatens them in some way


Poor people get free healthcare, the wealthy can afford it and the people in-between get fcked with the bill.


Will illegals be allowed to vote on it as well? I mean, free is free amirite?
