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Western Media Ukraine Racism Treatment and Coverage - Russia justifies killing children (Was Putin right on Neo-Nazi's?)

-Black people being removed from evacuation trains
-Ukrainian fighters dipping bullets in pigs blood to kill Russian Muslim soldiers
-American journalists claiming "Ukraine is civilized" unlike "Iraq & Afghanistan"


Matt Frei loses his cool after Russian justifies dead children saying if America can kill children in Iraq and Afghanistan, so can Russia.

They kinda have a point?
-No stoning of gays or throwing them off of rooftops
-No honor killing
-No beating up wife/wives because the man is in charge of the house and must be obeyed
-No beheadings
-No forced marriage
-No child wife
-Not much jihad
-No religion that says to kill you if you try to leave
-Can draw their prophet/messenger
-Compatible with more or less Europe


Well, the leftists are in full support of murdering children in the US, every day


Two wrongs don't make a right...


I know. It was just an illustration.


"-No beating up wife/wives because the man is in charge of the house and must be obeyed"

I don't buy that for a second. Wives and daughters as chattels is universal.


"-No stoning of gays or throwing them off of rooftops"



"-No forced marriage"
"-No child wife"

California and Mississippi are the only states where there is no minimum age for marriage with parental consent.


sounds like generic muslims, not nazis. im glad they die tho


Obviously using whataboutism to defend killing children is reprehensible
However, he's right about Americans being hypocrites. People still talk highly of Obama, and how many middle-eastern kids has he bombed?


Now that I think about it. Western media has a point on being more 'civilized'. When's the last time you see so many reporters/freelancers right in the heat of battle or doing their stuff and not have been killed? I see so many down there now and we don't see Ukrainians or Russians shooting at them like they do in the Middle East when going aginst jihadists.
