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President Biden will trade Melania for Brittney Griner

The four profitable years Vlad employed The Useful Idiot (Trump) has him convinced that he will enjoy using The Useful Idiot's idiot wife. The USA is getting the much better end of this deal. Thank you, President Biden!


Agree, we had 4 profitable good years with Trump. Now things are just shite.


Your reading comprehension needs work. Vlad had four profitable years with Fat Donnie, his Useful Idiot, as his proxy in The WH.


Agree again, 4 years with Trump was the best but that other idiot is still an idiot.


Again: reading comprehension is not one of your strong suits.


I agree again, I am glad we agree that Trump had four profitable years.

The four profitable years of Trump


I am happy that you understand how poor your reading comprehension is.


You said there were four profitable years, nice!


Yes, Vlad Putin found those four years with Fat Donnie, as his Useful Idiot, to be quite profitable for him. Meaning: profitable for Vlad, in case you have the same reading comprehension problems that Bubbaslut has.


And the US was profitable too?
