MovieChat Forums > Politics > Most of the posts on here come from 5 or...

Most of the posts on here come from 5 or 6 people

It's really boring. I know what the conversation will be on every topic. Jowilli will smear the president, moviechatuser, blcksurn, and bubbathe gut will pile on, with additional attacks on Hunter and maybe AOC or Hillary, while rorikon will seem normal but keep up the right-wing attacks. Yatzo and, surprisingly with all his commitments, Leo Dicaprio will valiantly try to answer with rational thought, but that gets them nowhere here. I will continue to drop in once in a while, to see if the board is edging any closer to enlightenment, but I doubt it will happen.


Majority of political discussion is actual bots throwing 4th grader insults back and forth.


I want my dang recognition Thai!!!


its just an honor to be mentioned, but I dont smear the current unverified person in charge. I just post the news that is on the internet.


That's "ironic."
Does jowilli2 serve the same function?
