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Marianne Williamson's speech/tweet ...

Strong words from this lady ...

... I am reminded and I am guided by the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who said that "a necessitous man is not a free man".

Not every chain is visible, it is time for us to release the shackles that are on 64% of Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck.

It is time for us to do what other generations have done, and Franklin Roosevelt said that "We would not have to worry about a fascist takeover", he said, "As long as democracy delivered on its blessings".

Given the economic situation of far too many Americans today, given the behavior of this corporate matrix, whether it has to do with insurance companies, big pharmaceutical companies, big oil companies, big agricultural companies, big food companies, big chemical companies, or the military industrial complex and the defense contractors that the serve, they have had their day.


Zing, right to the heart of the problem with America today.


I dont understand why Independents cant come up with real viable candidate. Thats the only way to break the 2 party system.


I have heard her speak many times, and she has the right message, but the Democratic party will never allow her to be president. They will do to her what they did to Bernie. Though, I just had an idea: What if she was the only primary candidate that runs against Biden, and a week before the primaries, Biden died? There wouldn't be enough time for anyone else to come in to the race, and she would become the de facto Democratic party nominee. That would be an interesting twist of fate. *fingers crossed*


I think in a case like that, they might try and put Harris in Biden's place. I can't imagine too many Democrats would be excited about Harris near as much as Biden, but being his VP does give some clout.

Technically, there is another candidate of minor note, being Jerome Segal (who also run in the Democratic primary for Maryland's Governor in 2022, along with running for president in 2020 under the Bread and Roses Party, which he has since disbanded).

Though it's unlikely he'll ever amount to much in terms of polling, remember that Lawrence Lessig did technically get the poll totals he needed to in order to be on the debate stage back in 2016 (along with O'Malley, Clinton, Sanders, Webb, and Chafee), but the DNC pretty much shot him down without good reason (there's a shock), which pretty much ended Lessig's campaign. I think the same happened to Mike Gravel in 2020's Democratic primary, but I can't swear to it.

With that in mind, I don't think it's impossible that Segal could replicate that, but I also think it's fair to say that no matter how the Democratic primaries go, if Biden announces, he's a pretty sure shot (again, provided his health doesn't fail him).


Yeah, I thought about Harris, but like I said, if it's a week before the primaries then she wouldn't have much time to do anything. And given how unpopular she is and how poorly she did in the primaries, I don't think she would be a problem for Marianne Williamson.
Regarding Jerome Segal, I'm going to assume based on the name of his party, that he is a socialist. Him running could actually be a good thing. He could team up with Marianne Williamson and become her running mate. I'm sure he is smart enough to know that he probably won't win the primary, and as a socialist, unlikely to win in the general. But as Marianne Williamson's running mate he has a good chance of being VP, which gives him a better chance of becoming President in the future.


I didn't care for his comments or campaign strategy (refused to compete in swing states as to not hurt the Democratic Party), but he certainly has some leftist credibility (though does now possess a VBNMW viewpoint).

Angling for a VP spot isn't a bad idea, but given his less-than-nothing name recognition for most people, and the fact he ran as a third party candidate in 2020 (even if he didn't compete in swing states, I have to imagine most Democrats wouldn't think much of his loyality), I'd think Williamson, should she somehow find herself to be in the position to choose a VP, could find better options.

Like you said, though, in most cases, the DNC won't let her anywhere near the presidency.


Sadly it's all words and no action. People like being controlled or have someone think for them and this is why those big (insert thing) will always rule.


True enough, but since Bernie, but even before him we had Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel and of course on the Right Ron Paul, but especially since Bernie, the American people never really conceived that they were free to think.

Since that door war opened though, the Right brough their think tanks and analysts to bear working overtime as to how to reverse that.

Coincidentally politics in the UK has taken a negative turn as well. They had BREXIT which has turned out a disaster for them, and which is understood to have been a big lie - apparently to throw their NHS into private American hands.

I don't think people do like being controlled or having someone think for them. Maybe that is just you. It is a characteristic of human beings that they resist being told what to do. What I think is happening is that the information people base their decisions on is more critical since the last part of the 20th century, and there never used to be the kind of control that Orwell warned about, so what people can actually base their votes on is fed to them - and they hate it. Everyone on both sides bitches about how crappy the news is, even as most on the Right have lapped it up, still most on the Left have not done any better.

It's a real positive thing to hear Marianne Williamson remind us of what can be if we lift our eyes up - even if she is not the one to be able to do it.

I think she's make a better VP than Kamala Harris in my opinion, and be continually reminding us to push Joe Biden. If she has some cred in the actual White House it would reach even more people.

The initial traction Bernie got on the right was totally unexpected, and I think it scared the hell out of the establishment to realize that right and left have a lot more in common that anyone thinks, and the lengthy standing ovation Bernie got in the Fox News Town Hall was a motivator for the Right to redouble their disinformation efforts, and insults towards Democratic candidates.


But does she have an actual plan? LOL!


Why the LOL?
At least she doesn't have the typical establishment plan, that's a major plus right there.
