MovieChat Forums > Politics > R.I.P. Donald Sutherland

R.I.P. Donald Sutherland

He was the only part in KELLY'S HEROES worth watching.


He was a trump supporter, even spoke at one of the rallies.


Sutherland was definitely not a Trump supporter, fucktard. Prove that he was. I want to see video and photo evidence. Don't run away like usual so back up your claims.


That might be incorrect.

Politically outspoken and a supporter of left-leaning causes, Sutherland was a forceful advocate for the dangers of climate change. But he also had an endearing penchant for ribald humor, once affectionally calling his wife of 52 years, Francine, “one of the great farters of the world.” In his 80s, he was asked about his thoughts on mortality. “I am old, but I don’t feel old,” he replied. “I feel very, very young actually, but my sphincter may be a little old.”

I dont see a direct quote however.


I remember seeing him at a rally with a maga cap on. He must have switched over in his later years, that's how they all are they are big tax the rich when they are young but when they get rich they want to keep every dime of it.


How dare they want to keep the money they worked to earn. How dare they!!!


I dont mind that they want to keep it but it's just funny how once they have made theirs they change the rules.


Sutherland was definitely not a Trump supporter, fucktard. Prove that he was. I want to see video and photo evidence. Don't run away like usual so back up your claims. You've already run away from this post earlier. Quit being a pussy and show your evidence that Donald Sutherland is a MAGA.


"Prove that he was. I want to see video and photo evidence. "

You are not in a position to make demands.


I'm just asking for your proof that Sutherland is a MAGA. You made this claim so back it up, Cupcake.

I remember seeing him at a rally with a maga cap on.

If that's true then prove it.


Maybe he's thinking of Kiefer? Which I don't think he's a maga either. He's Canadian.


You can be Maga and Canadian. It's more about being proud of your country and not being guilted into getting overrun by the third world.


You are name calling and making demands. And that kind of behavior does not get rewarded. You can either do some research and accept that Donald Sutherland and his son Rossif both became huge Maga supporters or you can learn some manners and treat people with respect when you expect them to do the work for you.


You are a complete imbecile. When you make a claim you should back it up. That's what smart people do. Show us evidence of this claim of yours or go fuck yourself. If you didn't just make up that Donald Sutherland is a MAGA then show us. It's not that difficult if your claims are true.


You name call and make demands. And if you ever worked a day in your life "you haven't" you would have found out that acting that way with other people gets you nowhere. Go back to checking the mail for your welfare check.


I don't receive a welfare check but I do receive my money from my VA pension. It pays all of my bills and I have plenty extra for fun. That's not welfare, that's a pension I earned. I don't have to work a single day until I die.

Now, let's try this again. If you didn't just make up that Donald Sutherland is a MAGA then show us. It's not that difficult if your claims are true. It's a simple request.


By earn what did you actually do?


I am a US Army Desert Storm Veteran and I served from 1989 to 1993. I am a combat veteran and I received an Army Commendation Medal for bravery. My job was a 31Q Tactical Satellite Microwave Radio Operator. I was part of a team that provided telecommunications in the middle of nowhere. Because of all that I receive a pension and free health care for life. Seems like a good deal for me!

Now, let's try this again. If you didn't just make up that Donald Sutherland is a MAGA then show us. It's not that difficult if your claims are true. It's a simple request. I answered your question so answer mine.


Enough with those negative waves!
