KB2952664 again

For some reason, I'm once again being offered this update - KB2952664 Compatibility update for upgrading Windows 7 - and I can't imagine why. The WU client says it was published yesterday (4th October), and it is being offered as an unchecked, optional update.


This was one of the serial offenders during the GWX campaign. I recognised it immediately, and have once again hidden it. I wonder why it's doing the rounds again. Any other Windows 7 users seen this lately?

Wipe your tapes with lightning.


For some reason, I'm once again being offered this update - KB2952664 Compatibility update for upgrading Windows 7. Any other Windows 7 users seen this lately? - Coldheart2236

Thanks for the heads up, Coldheart. Yes, this was offered to me as well and I hid it (again). I now have two versions of this patch in my hidden updates; one is recommended, the other is optional.

We're not the only ones seeing this. Woody Leonhard at InfoWorld published this article today:

Detested 'Get Windows 10' snooping patch KB 2952664 reappears
