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why music tv's use flat ** sound for mastering?

i got at home about 15 music channels... and great music equipment. i cant feel great tune if the source is crea-p? hey u new VIDEO music guys have u ever hear for loudness filter??? what they teach at school ha ha

learn the difference between graphic and parametric equalizer. as all of u use digital. please do not use compressed formats

music is taste, not telecommunications

is u are cell phone engineer - please keep this on your mind


Not sure I understand what you're asking... but if you're saying the sound is not dynamic here's why...

In the early days of FM, engineers started pumping the amplitude on tracks to increase the strength of the transmission signal and because the limitations of the carrier frequency would not allow for as dynamic a sound as a direct wired transmission.

This process eventually became a habit as radio stations and recording artists competed more and more for attention on the new medium... and it creeped into studio album mastering as well.

New engineers do not seem to understand, nor are they properly educated on, the fundamentals of sweetening in the mastering process. As a result, you get a lot of garbage mixes with the amplitude pumped to clipping levels. This is even more noticeable in digital audio which, unlike analog, does not have an inherent amplitude envelope with a soft cutoff... instead, as amplitude reaches the peak of the dynamic range of, say, Linear PCM, intense distortion results.

It's unfortunate that the majority of the major releases today are produced like this... but crap has always floated to the top throughout the history of entertainment. I have to listen to music from the 70s to the late 80s to get my fix of dynamic sound.

Nature abhors a moron. -H.L. Mencken


New engineers do not seem to understand, nor are they properly educated on, the fundamentals of sweetening in the mastering process. As a result, you get a lot of garbage mixes with the amplitude pumped to clipping levels. This is even more noticeable in digital audio which, unlike analog, does not have an inherent amplitude envelope with a soft cutoff... instead, as amplitude reaches the peak of the dynamic range of, say, Linear PCM, intense distortion results.

wow, i am born in 78'

good post. professional

could u believe me i did not want to accept the PC in my house. i have started using it from windows millennium. not before!!

and yes mighty Widows? still do not have proper speech recognition?

(but yes they have made network complications called IT...what ever u call... that no one on this earth can't understand anymore)

i am still using the keyboard?

about loudness filter: human ear hear middle frequencies the best. but infra and ultra less. so what the loudness filter do is: it uprise the low and high tones and u get linearity in your ears

hip hoppers are the only one who have get this? i am joking... music is taste about u can't talk about. so many different opinion's

I do like unsolicited.


In the early days of FM, engineers started pumping the amplitude on tracks to increase the strength of the transmission signal and because the limitations of the carrier frequency would not allow for as dynamic a sound as a direct wired transmission.

i am not sure about this* using Dolby b (boostering)... without playing it (filtering) or using the chrome cassette.. u will up rise the high tones and also Dolby s it has been just made for dynamics

if they have pumping the master volume that is fine. radio stations always use radio receiver! for master control

I do like unsolicited.
