MovieChat Forums > Commercials/Advertising > "We'll double your order!"

"We'll double your order!"

Almost always, when a commercial offers some product (whether it's a copper pan,
an "atomic" flashlight, or that glow-in-the-dark toy racing car track with "serpentine technology") it always promises, "Order now and we'll double your order--you get TWO [advertised items] for the price of one! Just pay separate processing and handling."

Just wondering--what do these companies charge for "separate processing and handling"? I would imagine that it's an amount that's approximately close to the cost of the item--times two, and that it's the main way the advertisers make a profit on this stuff that could probably be purchased at most discount stores for less.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



The big catch is that shipping and handling (or processing) are not refunded if you send it back for your "full" refund. Add on the return shipping and there's not much point in sending it back when you find out it doesn't work. And now some of these products are also saying to pay a "separate fee" with no explanation of what this fee is for.


It took me a few months (or years) to figure out that BOGO stickers at my local Safeway meant "Buy One/Get One" and that, if you don't actually take the extra free item, you are out of luck unless the checker reminds you of your stupid blunder.

Yeah, and why is it always $19.95 instead of simply twenty bucks even? Often there is also a deluxe version (more money) available if you read the small print.

"Talk amongst yourselves." ~ Linda Richman


I remember some years back at one of the malls down in Miami there was a store called As Seen On TV that sold all the crazy crap you see advertised. the store didn't last, mainly cause no one was dumb enough to shop there.


I ordered a cat toy to give as a gift to my sister, and I swear that actually ordering the toy took about one third as much time as CONVINCING THEM THAT I DIDN'T WANT ANOTHER ONE!

EVERY time I pushed a button on the automated ordering system, it would say something on the lines of 'Okay, and would you like another toy for no additional charge?'

NO! NO! NO! Just SELL me the effing TOY, just ONE EFFING TOY!

Please..(sob)..please, I just *sniff* wanted ONE little cat toy...(sob)

And my sister's damned cats wouldn't even play with it, of course.

- Oh, SOMEbody asides me is gonna RUE this here particular day...


You must be psychic because MyPillow just got into hot water due to their Christmas BOGO TV offer!

BURNSVILLE, Minn. - The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has revoked the accreditation of Minnesota-based MyPillow, lowering its rating to an F based on a pattern of complaints by consumers.

The BBB made the decision after reviewing MyPillow's ongoing "buy one get one free" offer, which violates the organization's code of advertising.

“Among other issues, BBB has attempted to persuade MyPillow to discontinue their "buy one get one free” (BOGO)/other discount offers without success,” said Dana Badgerow, president and CEO of BBB of Minnesota and North Dakota. “Continuous BOGO offers, which can then be construed as an item's regular, everyday price, violate not only BBB’s Code of Advertising - which all BBB Accredited Businesses agree to abide by - but also other state and national organizations’ rules.”

BBB’s Code of Advertising requires that an offer need to be extended for a limited time, or it becomes a continuous offer and therefore the normal price of the product – not a sale price or free offer. In the case of MyPillow, the BBB says anyone can get the BOGO discount codes, and if a prospective customer calls the company without one, they can get the BOGO deal, regardless.source:

"Talk amongst yourselves." ~ Linda Richman


Doesn't the BBB give you a good grade/accreditation only if you contribute enough money to them?
