MovieChat Forums > Reality TV > Kenny Hotz. The Canadian Man, Myth and L...

Kenny Hotz. The Canadian Man, Myth and Legend

I can't for the life of me understand how this man (Kenny Hotz), with his never ending push against normality with his comedic edginess and pure genius gets his shows taken off the air but Honey boo boo can clog the TV with this backwoods idiocy. I don't exactly understand the rage and fascination with Americas inbred underbelly but I guess that's the direction we're taking. Kenny Hotz in my opinion is an innovator especially on pushing the envelope for what's allowed on national television. He wrote espisodes for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kenny Vs. Spenny (Which he co-starred in), Testees and Triumph of the will.
Even as a young Director, actor and comedian you could see the determination to succeed and provide everyone with a look into his struggles to achieve greatness. I hope I can reach as many people as I can and please ask them to vote for Kenny Vs. Spenny and Kenny Hotz Triumph of the will here and rate as well.

Thank you for your time everyone.
