Australian films

Hi guys, you can find real unique gems in Australian cinema so I thought maybe we can build a list of recommended Aussie films. I'll start it off (including some trailers) with three cult' classics:

1. Wake in Fright (1971)

A schoolteacher has to spend his summer in an outback school to pay of his student debts, and tries to fit in with the locals. One of Scorcese's and Tarantino's favourite films.

2. The Cars that Ate Paris (aka The Cars that Ate People) (1974)

This film highly influenced Mad Max a few years later.

3. Long Weekend (1978)

A suburban couple go camping to a remote beach and are attacked, but by whom?


New Zealand has good movies too.


I'm sure they do. Any recommendations?


I like The Quiet Earth for one, Cornelia.


I hadn't heard of it. I'll check it out, thanks!


It's a different take on the end of the world Cornelia. Hope you enjoy it.


Hopefully I will.

BTW I did like a few films from New Zealand, now that I come to think about it:

Heavenly Creatures
Whale Rider
The Piano
Black Sheep
What We Do in the Shadows

I've yet to see Once Were Warriors, but I've heard that's quite good.


Cornelia have you seen the British show Lillies You might enjoy it.


Haven't even heard of it, but I'll definitely check it out. Thanks!


I saw Lilies on TVO in Ontario, CA. years ago. I'm so glad I live in Metro Detroit to get tv and radio out of Canada.


Yeah you're lucky then. In any case, you can always find series and films in youtube or dailymotion, or some other sites. I hardly ever watch tv now, just all on the internet or in the movie theatre (once in a while).


I try to buy all my favorite shows on Blueray. Like to play with my sound system. Hence the Bluerays and dvds.


Loved The Piano. Amazing soundtrack song also (the heart asks pleasure first).


Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002)
Australia (2008)
Walkabout (1971)
The Man from Snowy River (1982)
Gallipoli (1981)
BMX Bandits (1983)
The Piano (1993)
The Tracker (2002)
Woof Creek (2005)
The Last Train to Freo (2006)
Samson and Delilah (2009)
Tomorrow, When the War Began (2010)
These are the ones I've seen, Cornelia123.


Yay! I was going to add a few of those to my List, especially Walkabout.

I haven't seen Tomorrow, When the War Began or The Last Train to Freo, so I'll have to check them out. Thanks!


Cornelia123, Tracks (2013), I forgot about it..great one!


I haven't seen that one yet either! Will check it out, thanks!



Yay, lot's of great films there godewey! Thanks!

Picnic at Hanging rock is a classic, a must see. I will eventually edit my original post and definitely add it to my list of recommended films.

Chopper! What's not to love, hey! If you liked Chopper you would probably like The Magician. Have you seen it?

Lantana is a great Aussie thriller, and I also liked Jindabyne, although not as much.

Wolf Creek film was pretty good, it was scary (especially if you know it was inspired by truth events) but there was a bit of humour too. I'm yet to see WC 2. The series is quite entertaining too.

Shine is also a great film, based on a true story. I thought Noah Taylor was great in the first half of the film, as the young David Helfgott. Geoffrey Rush won an Academy Award for Best Actor, as the older Helfgott, but it just as easily could have gone to Taylor imo....shame he wasn't even nominated. Btw, he's one of my favourite Aussie actors, and such a nice bloke too. It was nice to see him recently in Aussie cop drama Deep Water, the series about the gay murders in Sydney in the 80s and 90s.

You know I have seen Man From Snowy River but I just can't remember much about it. I'll have to re-watch it! I just remember a young Tom Burlinson in it.

Yes I think The Piano was filmed in NZ, but it was a NZ/Australian production.

Animal Kingdom was a good film (with a great performance by Ben Mendelsohn - also one of my favourite Aussie actors - and so was Snowtown (about the 'bodies in the barrels' murders in Adelaide in the 90s).

BTW.....Hopefully by the end of this week I will have caught up with some of the NZ films you guys have mentioned.



Oh no problem, we can do 'off topic' anytime!

Yes I loved In Bruges. Saw it twice in the cinema when it came out. Really good film. Who knew Colin Farrell could be so funny, hey? I have a soft spot for Brendan Gleeson. Have you seen Calvary? He was great in that too, as a priest trying to patch up his broken community.

I haven't seen The Returned, but will eventually get around to it. The French version, of course.

What a coincidence, I also recently finished watching Season 1 of The Missing. Great stuff. What a sad ending though, hey? Did you ever see Broadchurch? Also great stuff. Next on my British police series to see is Happy Valley SE1.

Another British crime show I really enjoyed last year (because the protagonist was pretty bonkers and the plot compelling) is Marcella. Have you see it? Can't wait for Season 2.

Oh I forgot about Kirk Douglas! Of course he was in TMFSR!

Yes you should definitely watch The Magician. Someone should make a film with Chopper AND the Magician AND the family from Animal Kingdom and the charismatic 'leader' from Snowtown, and what the heck, lets throw in good old Aussie larrikin 'Kenny' (2006) as he'll be needed to clean up all the mess when the sh-t hits the fan. LOL.



Picnic At Hanging Rock - with a soundtrack as haunting and ethereal as the film.


I'll be honest and say that I have not seen a lot of Aussie films. Just the classics.

Based on what I've seen, if you are looking for movies that are thought-provoking and artistically sound:

1. Animal Kingdom (a must-watch if you haven't seen; bone-chilling)
2. Somersault
3. A Cry in the Dark

If you are looking for lighter, feel-good crowd pleasers (which are still well-made):

1. Muriel's wedding
2. Shine
3. Adventures of Priscilla
4. Strictly Ballroom


Strictly Ballroom is my guilty pleasure. Just makes me smile.


best Australian film ever: you cant stop the murders



Lost Things


The year of living dangerously (1982) by Peter Weir, starring Mel Gibson, Linda Hunt and Sigourney Weaver. It is a great australian film, by an australian director, although it takes place in Indonesia.
