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Philosophy of History

Why is so little attention paid to the subject?

Tiocfaidh ár lá


You mean here? Or in general?


In general.

Tiocfaidh ár lá


Seriously? Little attention? OK. If you say so.


It's hardly talked about.

Tiocfaidh ár lá


Well...maybe because many people haven't heard of it.



I think it's been talked about so much in the past that people are skeptical now.

Just about every worldview has some theory of history that all the others disagree with. It can be as frustrating and lacking in rational and empirical standards as arguing about which religion is true.


Exactly. History is defined by winers and myths written down. So saying this happen when new evidence comes to life makes one lose interest on the true story.


I am several years away from university, and I was never formally enrolled in the Academy, so to speak, though my other studies led me there often enough, but the impression that I have is that:

1. Analytic philosophers give it little heed because it does not fit with their quasi-mathematics; and

2. Contemporary continental philosophers are too busy reacting to Derrida to trouble themselves with it.

It is given a goodly amount of attention by philosophically-minded historians, however.

ὑπερθορὼν δὲ πύργον ὠμηστὴς λέων
ἄδην ἔλειξεν αἵματος τυραννικοῦ
