MovieChat Forums > History > So, If One Of The Attempts On Hit...

So, If One Of The Attempts On Hitler's Life HAD Succeeded.....

.......absolutely NOTHING would have changed, (given the simple fact that he was surrounded by so many sick, like-minded individuals) RIGHT ??? 



The reprisals after Heydrich was killed by the SOE were so large, that the SOE cancelled the planned assassination of Hitler

If Hitler had been assassinated at any point during the war, it would likely of meant the war going on longer. His dedication to ideology and his own ego meant he forced his commanders into action that was tactically unsound.


The first three listed here ( ) would have made him a martyr for the NAZI cause and allowed a more militarily competent person to take charge. Conversely, without Hitler's charisma, it might have fallen apart and WWII would have been different. The Japanese-American War may have been shorter, but since the Atomic Bomb was primarily designed to be used against Hitler, it would have been bloodier thanks to the invasion of Japan. Of course,
with the US concentrating on that conflict, Stalin might decide to conquer Europe, and with a demilitarized Germany and aided by Communist Fifth Columnists, the Red Army would have made quick work of Europe.


The July Plot was quite cleverly planned and was a complete coup intended to put under arrest all of the top Nazis. Once Hitler survived though the whole plan fell apart.
We can't know how it would have panned out had Hitler die, but a rational leadership in Germany may have ended the war nearly a year sooner.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.


In one of the WW2 histories I own, and I'm sorry I can't recall which one, the author presents his opinions as to why it's good that Hitler didn't die in 1944, the first person I've heard argue that point, and I tend to agree with him.

He felt that Hitler's death probably would've ended the European War, but it could have led to another "stab in the back" outcome. The German nation wouldn't have been so totally devastated as it was, and that German militarism wouldn't have died; without the A-bomb it's likely there would have been a German led WW3. He says it much better than I have here, and if I can locate the book and chapter I'll post it later.


Unless, Hitler (the one in photographs and videos) was a puppet decoy. And the real Hitler was calling the shots in the dark. In which case the world would look exactly how it looks today.

We have what we seek, it is there all the time, and if we give it time, it will make itself known.


The July 20th Plot was the only one that addressed that to do after Hitler was kaput. But it still left a lot of loose ends. Bormann, Kaltenbrunner, the Gauleiters, the regional Gestapo, the generals who were fanatic Nazis, Model, Schorner, etc.

And the Allies would have insisted on Unconditional Surrender, no matter who had the Big Chair in Germany.

Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie


That depends which attempt succeeded. The first attempts were made long before the war even started, so it could potentially have changed quite a lot.


There is the possibility that the war may have been prolonged rather than being ended, and that it would have ended with far better terms for Germany.

Hitler was a really bad strategist. If Hitler had died, competent generals, such as Rommel, would probably taken over the armed forces and could have done far better against the Allied forces, maybe even have forced a stalemate in the war.

It`s far easier to start a war than to end one.
