MovieChat Forums > Health & Fitness > What's a good deadlift goal/weight?

What's a good deadlift goal/weight?

So a little background:

Avatar aside, I'm actually a straight cisgender man (born male, identify as such). I was never the strongest or the fastest, Though I could always hike 7 or 8 miles without any problem on just about any terrain. I couldn't really do a pull up or pushup. I've greatly improved on the latter & getting closer to the former.

One of my biggest obstacles has been deadlifts. I could barely do 5 reps at 135 lbs. I now can do 15 reps at the same weight with relative ease. My one rep max today was 235. Given my weight (188) is that good? What is a(nother) good goal weight for deadlifts?


This is a good article on moment arms. It will help you learn how to position yourself based on your proportions. You probably still don't have your form down and can continue to make big gains quickly. 235 at 188 pounds is low.


According to EXRX, a Novice lifter weighing between 181-198 lbs, should deadlift between 275-290 lbs, while an Intermediate should deadlift between 315-335.


I'm same bw as you and have deadlifted 205kg (452lb) in PL competition standards (rising bar/no hitching/no wrist wraps)

years ago i never went over 80kg you just gotta keep lifting always add weight but dont sacrifice safe form dont be afraid to train lots and eat more
