MovieChat Forums > Health & Fitness > What's your workout regiment?

What's your workout regiment?

I know I found I needed to eat more tasty food.

Anyway, now, I'm doing like a few minutes of ab work every few hours of a nice DVD I rented from Amazon Instant Video. It's an hour and cost $2. Most cost $10, but you can look up lots of $2 ones.

I don't know, but I used to work out more. I know I jog regularly outside.






I run about as much as you, but I do short strength-based workouts.

You have a nice schedule.



Wow, nice! That sounds like quite an adventure.

Wow, you sure run a lot! Good job!

Wow, swimming in the cold, snowy mountains!

Kettlebells look cool.



I don't have a specific workout set for any particular day, but I do like to have a variety. I don't have a gym membership because I've got lots of resources at home and outside (and I'm cheap).

I work out 5-6 times a week, and on days that I have classes my workouts range from 35-50 minutes. When I don't have classes I usually workout for about an hour. I'm a huge Insanity fan, so I usually do 2-4 of those videos a week now that I'm done with the program. I also love Insanity Asylum and will use those videos as well, but not as frequently because me body just couldn't handle that. When I want to do a strength related workout I will either do P90x or Body Revolution by Jillian Micheals.

I try to fit in Pilates when I can, but I haven't lately. I also run about once or twice a week when the weather isn't too hot or super cold/rainy, so right now I'm not doing much of that.

I like your tights... You look like a bee and I like bees.


I try to run, often every other day, but I did a lot of walking, lately, 13 hours last week. I wasn't feeling so well but didn't get tired. My legs only were sore or stiff sometimes in a way for 1 day or night, like maybe when I got up. However, my arms and wrist were sore and felt like they were pumping, especially the 1 arm, the 1 that didn't feel like it was growing this one time.

I need to buy some cardio workouts. I thought I got one at Target from Jillian Michaels, but it's not fast and not a dance. I finally decided to look at some channels on YouTube and found lots of workouts but not like long cardio workouts, at least not yet. I've taken some classes at the gym. I really liked step, but got tired of it, literally, physically.

In college, I'd workout as much as you do, jogging and the weights and stuff on the floor, including side situps on the mats, somehow. I did teen gymnastics my last year of high school. It was mostly to build muscle.

I like Pilates. It helped me get up from the pavement.

jolly Christmas elf
