MovieChat Forums > So Bad They're Good > Color of Night (1994)

Color of Night (1994)

Probably cause I was a Horny Young man in 1994. Jane March did it for me back then.



A personal favorite of mine.
One of those films that I never get tired of watching late at night.
So much silliness along with stereotypes and over-the-top acting throughout the film that it almost become a parody of the whole erotic thriller genre.

It has a great cast too, beside Bruce and the stunningly beautiful Jane March you have Lance Henriksen, Ruben Blades and Brad Dourif who all contribute with their own style and presence.

The group sessions were a total riot, and Brad Dourif should have got a bit more screen time as his outburst are comedy gold.


Is this the one where Bruce Willis's character cant see red?


Yep! This is that movie. Also a woman preforms Fellatio with a gun in the very beginning.


Jane March and Lesley Anne warren did a long sex scene in this together, but it was cut. It was reduced to just a kiss scene and brief undressing. Jane was only 21 and Lesley late 40's.


Oh man, I remember this movie. It's pretty much a Skinemax flick with actual actors in it. 
