MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does Anyone Here Actually Go to Movie Th...

Does Anyone Here Actually Go to Movie Theaters Anymore?

I'm a self-proclaimed movie snob and aficionado, but I honestly can't even remember the last time I went to a movie theater.

I consume all my movies now either on VOD (via my Fios box), Netflix, or some other method of streaming. It's crazy that going to a movie has actually become more expensive over the years, while at the same time the number of alternatives has increased. Why would I pay $20 for a ticket + $20 for snacks when I could just watch in the comfort of my own home?


I still go occasionally, but only if it's a movie I'm dying to see. Otherwise I can wait until it comes out on Blu Ray. There's still no really good way to stream movies that are still in theaters (unless you're willing to settle for piss poor quality).


This last weekend I saw John Wick 2. The week before we watched the first to get ready for 2. The week prior was the YuGiOh something about dimensions. Prior to that it was Silence. Prior to that Fantastic Beasts. Prior to that Assassin's Creed. Prior to that Rogue One. Prior to that Moana. Prior to that Dr. Strange.


Gosh I can't remember the last time I was in a theater


Yes, I do. But I'm also the kind of girl that still reads physical books...

I go for the experience, the way it makes me feel when I'm sitting in a dark movie theater with a tub of popcorn in my lap is euphoric

Even if you could watch brand new movies at home, I think I'd still go just for the experience.


I still love to go to the movies when I can. I just went this past weekend and saw Fifty Shades Darker and will likely go see The Lego Batman movie in the next week or two. I love the experience and the big screen.


I only go for movies that I really want to see, like Passengers--which generates "what would I do in that situation" thoughts, I like those, and of course Star Wars movies and spinoffs.

I never go to the theater on a whim and see "hmm what's playing" I always do my research beforehand.


Not since I was 13.

The whole "experience" thing is overrated IMO. If you have to go to a movie theater for the "experience," it just means your home theater setup isn't good enough.


