MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The IMDb message boards are now gone

The IMDb message boards are now gone

I hope that more people come here and I said good bye


They're suddenly gone!


It was if a million voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened


Good one, Excidium.


Why did IMDb shut down their boards. Why does a successful website want to drive away users?


IMDb doesn't need those users anymore (the messageboard users.) They just need the database, ratings, reviews for their store (Amazon) probably for data mining and statistics.


But less people go to the site, so less are voting on the ratings.


That's good. Less legitimate voters to cancel out the votes from the shills equals higher ratings for the crap they are churning out. Win win !


Probably they rate the movies themselves automatically according to how many copies they have in stock.


I rarely go there any more. They seem to be a huge promo site for that churned out crap. I've been looking at movies on Wikipedia and coming here instead.


I agree. IMDb was so fun with its boards. Now it's so boring


They never moderated the boards properly so you had some real idiots posting there and causing issues. I think in the end it became too much of a bother for them and was probably embarrassing as well.

So that coupled with just wanting to kow-tow to studios who I am sure didn't like seeing their stars and films get slammed by the users just added to their decision.

It doesn't really matter in the end. Sites like this sprung up and until/unless they get so big that mega bucks are involved they will remain mostly the same.


