MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > They saved our posts

They saved our posts

I'm checking out the various replacement sites and noticed this one had threads from imdb but without all the replies. Testing my theory I joined and like magic my replies and threads from imdb are now on this site.

A simple and painless way to save your old posts as long as the poster who created the original thread joins this site. I have one question though. Why not advertise this site with the pitch all your old imdb posts were here once you sign up? Many imdb users would sign up just to see their old threads. In theory had they let everyone know that saving their posts was possible, many threads wouldn't have missed a beat and posters could have leaped right to here. I saw this site being pushed on several imdb boards but they never mentioned the post saving feature.

Hey mods, lead with the post saving feature and this site should grow fast. You're welcome.


Pass the word on to others


I will. I'm just curious why this site's owner didn't pitch it that way


Maybe the site's creator doesn't see it as a race?




"Overlord"--LOL! 😆


That's right, and it's going to take some effort, as in,--and I hate the word--proactive. It can be done. I've gone into old threads and posted. It's a different system from the IMDB so it takes some getting accustomed to but indeed those old threads are saved and can be kept alive.


I've been posting the link on the IMDb Facebook site so hopefully we will get a few users over here soon. I far prefer this site with all the old conversations than the other pages that have popped up such as tmdb


I joined under a different username but notice that at least some of my posts under my old name survived.




pankoeken, unless I'm misunderstanding you or have missed something, I don't think there's any relationship between signing up here, and having your posts imported over from IMDb.

I visited this site last week before I signed up, and saw on MovieChat's individual movie/actor boards all of my replies and original threads that were still also on IMDb's message boards as of Feb. 16 , 2017. After signing up on MovieChat (a process which currently only asks for you to choose a username and password, not for you to provide an email address (which is what the IMDb sign-in was dependent on), there was no change in what content I was able to access, and there is no apparent connection between my MovieChat account and my IMDb account (e.g., if I click on my username from one of my imported-from-IMDb posts, I get redirected to the main MovieChat page, not my MovieChat profile page).

So I don't think there's any connection between signing up/signing in and having your old IMDb posts here. I think what's happened is, the first 10 posts (original post plus 9 replies) to every thread that was on each of IMDb's message boards as of 2/16/17 or thereabouts--regardless of who the original poster was and regardless of whether they join this site--is now on MovieChat. Anyone please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or if you've had a different experience...

I would be careful of telling people that if they sign up to MovieChat, all of their old IMDb posts and threads that they created will be here, because I don't believe that's necessarily true, and you wouldn't want new users to feel misled or let down. Unless there's more data on the way, I believe that everything we already see here (signed in or not), is everything that MovieChat has.

Are you seeing more posts on the boards when you're signed in vs. when you're not?

Here's Jim's Welcome to MovieChat post that you might find helpful in case you missed it:

Nice to meet you, pankoeken. :)




bravo...I agree, it's made no difference with me either. Although, I'm under a completely different username than I was on IMDb but I still don't think that makes any difference. What's here is here and it doesn't change if you join.


It actually has nothing to do with that. My screen name is a lowercase version of the one I had on IMDb and the reason the posts are still there is because this website was scraped from IMDb, prior to the message boards being deleted off. I can still go back to the movies and shows I messaged on and see my old screen name; however, there are movies and shows that I did message on and there is literally nothing on that show's or movie's page.


I think he only got he data from the top 1000 busiest or 10,000 busiest boards. So he didn't get to save everything.


That may have been it. Kind of sucks. Towards the end of last year, those were the messages that I really wanted to see back. Ah well!


I'm not trying to argue with anyone but this is how I came up with my theory. Before I joined, I went to the Archer board because I knew I had the thread with the most replies and wanted to see if it was there. It wasn't. After I joined my thread appeared. Either way I'm glad many of our posts have survived and I hope the site becomes as popular as the old one.


Maybe the transition of posts from IMDb to this site is still taking effect and gradually more and more posts will appear with time. There's got to be millions, so I'm only guessing in saying that the data is still transferring. Or I could just be talking out of my ass.


Babe, that's what I think too. Jim does mention on his "Welcome to" post that he's got over 3 million posts archived so maybe he hasn't got them all on here yet and is restoring a little at a time.


The change is because jim was still in the process of scraping data from the old boards, so it was just a coincidence that your posts appeared after you registered. it may have happened around the same time, but it wasn't because you registered.


Yep, I hear ya, pankoeken. Your post really intrigued me and I just wanted to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding. Sounds like you happened to have coincidentally joined while the archiving was in process. And I definitely agree about leading with the IMDb archive (and also the sensible organization and navigation, and clean layout)! :)


I could see why you would say that.

Then again, it is one of those 0.001% chance coincidences.


I noticed that too...which is why I decided to use the same username that I did on IMDB.


But how could you have noticed that before making your username? Pankoeken did not witness it until after he created his username.


Fortunately, Jim has set this website up to where you can still browse (and click on various topics) through the message boards without being logged in. That's how I found out that my old messages were still here...even though I didn't have an actual account set up at the time. As you may know, however, the only thing that you obviously cannot do without an account is post.




No worries...hope that I cleared a few things up for you! :)

