MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Things That Need To Be Added!!! [Thread ...

Things That Need To Be Added!!! [Thread closed]

-Need a way for people to be notified via email about replies.

If there is anything else that could be added, feel free to reply. I am hoping the creator of this site sees this!


One thing I think would be good would be to reverse the order of posts visible on your profile page, from oldest to newest. It's not a big deal now, but as we accumulate more posts, it's gonna be a nuisance having to scroll further and further down to get to our most recent posts. It should be more recent first.

Also, eventually we're gonna need to divide threads into pages. There should also be options, as there were on IMDb, to choose your preferred size of page. Lots of people seemed to like the 25-post-per-page option, but I always had it on 50 posts per page.

As others have said, though, no pressure. Jim is doing an awesome job. I'm just putting my two cents in for consideration, is all.


Yeah, that was a big thing I noticed. All the recent posts were on the bottom of the list and I am hoping with notifications, one could just click the link in their email and it would bring them to that individual's response message. Of course, if people still want to respond to threads by looking at their profile, they would have that option too and for that, having the most recent post at the top is a must!




Aren't we all? :P




Especially when accompanied by an intense stare into the ocean.


A sandy dog, off leash (and preferably large), helps, too.


This is from the front page

<< IMPORTANT: We are working around the clock on new features such as notifications, private messaging, updated design, etc. We just started a few days ago >>

i.e., the web designer is FAMILIAR with standard site features, and will add them as time (and his fingertips) allows.

(People are acting like the creator Jim has never heard of notification or pm features before...! It's kind of funny.)


Don't really get why people want pm so badly and not am...that's just a double standard.


Haha : )

FM is where it's at...but again, as you know, our blessed savior Jim will surely ad AM, PM and (the ever popular) FM after he gets some G-DAMN SLEEP ! ! !

You people are ANIMALS....VULTURES!

Stop circling poor Jim ! !

: o


Now I kinda just want M&Ms for some reason....


For myself, I hope Jim will add Excedrin I can deal with these grabby freeloaders!

Dear lord.






I am OUTA here ! ! !

It's an outrage ! ! !


What is "am"?


We're just being silly and joking around ;)


Oh I get it. AM/FM...haha


With comedy like this why go anywhere else?!


...or could be a.m., as in morning.


Yeah, since it originated with "PM", I'm assuming the following "AM" meant morning.


Yeah, I had figured I would get some kind of backlash for creating this thread and then I looked further down and I actually saw a post where Jim said he was all ready on notifications.

I guess really, all this thread will be good for, is just suggesting ideas that Jim has not thought of as of yet. Not really a big problem if we keep them in a thread that one can use to reference back.

reply is a good place to create a checklist : )




"I had figured I would get some kind of backlash for creating this thread"

Hi, arvin. Nah, I think it's natural that people would want to chime in with thoughts and suggestions, esp. in these early days. It's a fresh start, and it's exciting to think about the possibilities, and share our thoughts on what makes a great message board.

"I guess really, all this thread will be good for, is just suggesting ideas [...] Not really a big problem if we keep them in a thread that one can use to reference back."

I think it could be helpful to have this or some other "User Suggestions" thread be pinned in General Discussions somewhere, at least while this site is building up its functionality and design.


Well I am grateful for the notification feature now!


HTML quote tags.


Notifications, like you said; PM feature; friends list; favorites list; profile settings; avatars; smilies.


Yeah, definitely Avatars would be welcomed.


and the "nesting" feature


An active search field. Like when you search for 'Donn...' then automtically the movie pages for Donnie Darko and Donnie Brasco comes up under. And important. A way to CONNECT YOUR USER HERE TO YOUR USER PAGE AT IMDB! Like you have an hyperlink at your profile to your user page on IMDB.

On a side note. Every thread that originally had more than 9 posts at IMDB. Are all those extra posts gone forever?


The only thing is whether this page was intended to be associated with IMDb or not. I assumed that this was going to supplement IMDb; however, I have been hearing from people on here that this was going to stand on its own.


The hope of probably most people here is that when this site is upgraded enough, it will replace IMDb. The quicker everyone can suggest improvements and those can be implemented, the sooner this will happen.


I do not think it will ever replace IMDb. It would certainly replace the message board aspect of it; however, IMDb was created for producers/directors/actors to update details about their movie projects. The only aspects of that site that are really "fan created" and that this site could outdo, are the trivia sections, goofs, message boards (major priority), and the interface. Interface would be key as user friendliness is up there with message boards.


Not any time soon but we can hope to slowly cut off all supply to IMDb while supplying content here until this site expands as IMDb chokes and dies.


Yes, I second the active search field. I hope they implement it to this site, I miss it :D


Please add a 'Quote' feature! and view count for threads.


Perhaps too much to ask, and if IMDb featured this I never figured out how to access it, but is there a way to view ALL database entries by category, alphabetically and by date?

--Titles, Alphabetical
--Proper Names, Alphabetical
--Entries by year, that is, release of film by year and day and first year and original airdate of TV series--to be able to see what films were made in 1946, what series began in 1970, and so on.

Previous to this it's all been scattershot, hit and miss, as I happened to either see a film or something that reminded me of a film, TV program, actor, or writer. I would like a way to tell how many entries are in the database and scroll through the list to see which subjects I may want to comment on, or see what others have written about them. Thanks.


Seems like too much work


Maybe but picture how cool it would be. I know I have seen websites of celebrity addresses that ran into the tens of thousands, and of course those were for living celebrities only, not Judy Garland and Charlie Chaplin and all.
