MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why does this board shill everywhere els...

Why does this board shill everywhere else?

I'm curious--why do people on this board see fit to shill on other sites? I'm at IMDB2, and every day I read shilling/trolling posts over there by people encouraging others to come here. Is that your policy and something you encourage?



Considering IMDB2 also tried to capitalize on another board's traffic... I think it's more of an all's fair in love and war type thing. I signed up for both sites, but I'm interested seeing this board do well because it tried to preserve the individual message board idea for films and actors. But in general I agree that it's bad form.




Just as this site gets posts and call outs from members of other boards, some people from here post about this site's existence elsewhere.

When the imdb community was scattered on the 19th, everyone got disbanded. Now it's like people trying to find each other after an earthquake. Many people belong to more than one I imagine what you're seeing is people liking one or another site, and hoping to get more discussion from posters they've lost touch with at wherever their new preferred site is. So they mention the site's existence (it was only established last week or so.)

It's not like there's a marketing team for MovieChat...


Because, just by the name, IMDB2 sounds like a poser site. This site at least has a unique name and gets right to the point of what kind of site it will be. It will surpass IMDb and any other message board site.

If we have trolls, not all but most, will be trolling to publicize how great this site will be. They are doing it for the benefit of moviegoers everywhere!


We don't

reply this the one true God, or a different one? I thought God abandoned us a day or so ago in a punctuation-induced rage (?)


I watched IMDB2 come out of the woodwork on day one of the IMDB message board closure announcement, and they did the same thing there that those who enjoyed MovieChat do at IMDB2. People like to share a fond experience, and there's no reason to not enjoy this site. Every forum imaginable (or unimaginable) is here, just like IMDB.




I see IMDBv2 and TMDb mentioned here all the time. It kind of goes both ways. People naturally want to invite more users to their place to help their forums grow.

Don't know why you need to call MovieChat people shills. Should I call IMDBv2/TMDb shills as well?

(edit) And I think MovieChat might be the least known of the three, so I'm actually backing these "shills", as you call them, who want to spread the good word. Wasn't one of the big complaints regarding IMDB was them erasing our entire board history? Then why is it a bad thing letting others know that MovieChat preserved a lot of it?

You call it shilling. I'll call it "giving a heads up."




Why shouldn't people encourage others to come here? Does IMDb2 have individual movie and tv show boards? I don't think so...
