Any TCM fans?




Cool, nice to meet a fellow fan. Watching 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' at this moment




Ooof course! TCM is great, I always check to see what they're playing. I got a lot of my film education from them ;)


Same here! This page is one I find convenient, so I can see what's playing all day long -- and find out what's coming up for the next couple of weeks on TCM:


Huge TCM fan here - except, regrettably, I'm not presently still on the level of cable (with my Comcast) that TCM is included on. So, I definitely love TCM, but haven't gotten it since about 14 months ago. (Be back here later. Just dropped in for a second, between commercials of HtGAwM! :) )


Another reason why these new boards are great. I learned a ton of cool facts about classic films from just reading posts on IMDb. And knowing that other people had the same questions that I often had about classic film stars and movies always made me feel like I was apart of a community. So glad moviechat is here to fill that void!


I own dozens of Warner Archive, KINO, Criterion, MGM Premier, etc. DVDs, of my fave available DVD titles, so have created my own home version of "TCM". But I do miss also getting to see random just whatever sounds interesting that airs throughout any given week on TCM.


Sounds like you have a solid film collection! I've found several 'gems' on TCM that I don't think I ever would have come across without the channel. Sites like this just add to my experience as a film fan.


Back on the IMDb boards, whenever there was a movie I really want, but that hasn't ever yet been released on DVD, I'd post asking that if anyone ever finds out that this or that has newly been released to please drop me a response post. Regrettably, that was the only record I had of various great specific movies that I still want. Even if IMDb boards are available, I still won't know which movies I determined in the past that I want, as I only would recognize the titles if the posts I did back then actually were electronically linked to my username and if someone were to reply and me actually receive the notification e-mail. Bummer.


Whenever TCM ran a particularly obscure movie especially one of my favorites I would post a thread on FG 30 minutes or so before it started. It's always fun to get others reactions to off beat movies.


It's always been a joy when this or that movie airs on TCM and then (unless on during some obscure or low-key part of the day or night when fewer viewers are tuning in) a number of posters have gone onto message boards either immediately or during the hours afterwards, to add new comments, observations, interesting trivia they happen to be aware of, ask questions, etc. Although I (regrettably) no longer get TCM, I still often glance over a current day's TCM listings, just to see what movies (which ones of interest to me) maybe others will post something new about, then I'd keep an eye on those movies' boards later on.


In regular everyday life, I don't have anyone, at all, who I know who's interested in, or cares anything about, Classic films. (Anything in b&w is a major turnoff to most people nowadays, apparently?) If it weren't for online, there'd be no means of feeling like someone like me can have any means of expression or sharing or somewhere to ask questions, compare insights, trivia, etc., as just watching a movie and moving on would be the whole extent of as good as things get. Ugh.


I understand the feeling. I've always had very different taste than those around me and it can make one feel a bit isolated and all that sometimes. That's why boards like these are important and such a boost for fans of film like us!

And yes, black and white does seem to make people cringe. Isn't that sad? Oh well, they're the ones limiting themselves from so many amazing movies!


I happen to love old B&W movies, a lot of them are a hell of a lot better than the crap they're throwing out nowadays.


For sure, Styx. Many b&w films are visual true works of art, in addition to being really great movies.






Ugh. I've tried to persuade a couple different people to watch this or that amazing old movie with me and was essentially answered, by each, that they "can't watch" anything that old. It irritated me, because I always would pretend I was happy to watch their own movie selection and would just go along with it. But when **I** suggested this or that of my old movies, it simply wasn't an endurable possibility for them (even though whatever movie I had in mind at the time was PRECISELY selected by me to PERFECTLY suit their interests and tastes, and what I knew, as a fact, would have definitely appealed to and impressed them). While my late elderly mom was still alive, she was the only vintage movies "buddy" I've ever had to watch old movies with. I was her live-in caregiver throughout her final years, and we watched numerous films together, over time.




Oh - you were commenting to me (I didn't visually notice the trail, till just now - lol). I meant that, throughout recent years, I built up my own very fine-tuned DVDs collection, so now feel like I created my own personal "TCM". :)

By the way, I checked out the message boards late Thursday afternoon, after you mentioned them. I glanced over the Silent and Pre-Code boards, though it didn't look to be the sort of activity there I was hoping for. I'll take another, closer, look in a day or two. But it didn't seem to be very many people posting. That having been said, people HAD posted about some specific movies of interest to me. But hardly any posts anytime in recent months. So I get the impression the Silent and Pre-Codes boards there never really have much caught on fire, compared to how on IMDb boards long was.






I love TCM, wish there were more channels like it. Almost all the rest of the channels butcher the films with commercials, wish there was a way where you could sit through several at the beginning and then watch the rest uninterrupted. Because of this I usually watch Netflix or DVD/Bluray instead.


So true! Uncut and commercial free is another great aspect of TCM. It really lends itself to the complete film experience.


TCM was my favourite channel, back when I still had it on my cable (which I downgraded to limited basic at the end of 2015). Every day I enjoyed looking through the day's TCM schedule, to see what might hit the spot. Was crazy about Silent Sunday Night, which definitely was must-see for me (unless it was a movie I already have or have seen). Is it still the same opening montage for that as a couple years ago? Was always fun quickly mentally trying to remember which film each shot came from. :)


Yeah, I had to downgrade my cable to limited basic as well about 5 years ago and now I rarely ever watch TV at all...not enough good channels. Comcast is too darn expensive, I just use it for the internet. But yeah, I really liked TCM when I had it, didn't watch it all the time but enjoyed it when I did.


Yeah I wouldn't have cable if it weren't for TCM and sports. Most of the channels are useless


When I was still on higher Comcast service (to merely the first level, "Digital Starter," up above limited basic), it was entirely so I could get TCM.


Sentient...Tell me about it! I have so many foreign channels it's ridiculous! Sorry...but I only speak English, I got no use for those channels. I think, out of about 20 or 25 channels, lol...I don't even know how many channels I get but it's not a lot...only about 8 of them are watchable for me...and half of those are crap.


When I had the additional cable channels, there were only roughly a handful of the extra channels (above the limit basic line-up level) that I ever watched. That was much of the reason I eventually decided to downgrade, as so much more was being spent per month for many more channels than I ever actually watched. Now just networks t.v., PBS, and other standard type channels is what I have. (I do watch quite a few PBS things, as in Masterpiece or documentary productions, some destination type shows, etc..)


If technology created a way for us to live centuries then I could justify watching shows about hoarders and house flippers. I'm not saying I'd never watch them, but it's better to watch good films and shows then most of the cable crap.


I enjoy watching the really old movies, as it's like entering a time capsule and being taken back to 70-80+ years ago. Many old movies haven't dated at all well and are nothing special to need to watch today. But as for the movies that HAVE dated superbly, and are really good movies, and entirely relatable still, those are the ones I've always gone for, that you feel like you're taken back into the 1920s or early 1930s, and you realize that that was "now" at the time. I like watching a really old movie and then keeping in mind that those were actual living-colour people who reported for work and did their thing in front of a camera, rather than b&w imaginary film characters. Even the creakiest looking of old films, those were "now" at the time.


Yeah it's mind blowing to think that some of the old people during the silent era were alive during the Civil War.


What's really cool is that my late mom was born in 1916 (I was born in '60, when both of my parents were 44; I'm my family's "baby"), and the Silents and Pre-Codes that I love were many of the actual movies that my mom and her siblings went to the local theatres to watch while they were themselves personally growing up. That's why I'm so addicted to Silent and Pre-Code cinema, is I feel like I got a front-row seat to those days. In recent years, I watched movies of back then with my mom, and she remembered so many of them, and who a lot of the supporting cast names were, that she was a fan of. She'd tell me who she used to have signed autographed studio pictures of that she'd mail in for, etc. That all was stuff going on during the '20s through '30s. Really helped me gain perspective. PS: My mom was born in 1916 and lived to 2012, died age 96. HER g-grandmother - who she personally knew - was born all the way back in 1833! So, I myself PERSONALLY knew someone (my mom) who PERSONALLY knew someone (HER g-grandmother) was born in 1833. I find that mind-blowing that it's even possible that, until 5 years ago, I actually had that sort of real immediate connection to the extremely distant past. MEANWHILE, my mom's g-grandmother's PARENTS were born back in the 1700s!!!!! Btw, my g-g-grandmother also lived to be 96. That's how my mom was able to personally know her.


yeah you only have one or two degrees of separation from someone who lived during the Napoleonic era. Pretty amazing.


It always was neat hearing firsthand information about family members of from back in the 1800s and of throughout the early years of the 20th Century.




Yes, I love hearing these stories genplant29. You were very lucky to have your mom around so long and to have a great grandmother live till the age of 96 is incredible.


Of course. Love me some TCM. They even show Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky on occasion as well as The Black Cat (1934) two of my favorite movies and essential viewing for any aficionado of cool unique movies.

I'm not a big fan of the new weekend host though. She's sort of boring. She seems nice but too blasé.


Love The Black Cat! It finally occurred to me to get the DVD of it about two years ago! :)

I never was impressed by or interested in alternate host Ben Mankiewicz. I always liked either Robert Osborne or, sometimes, guest hosts. "The Essentials" were interesting for the conversations. I really enjoyed the season co-hosted by Drew Barrymore, 2-3 years ago.


I've grown to like Ben. Despite his Hollywood royalty roots, he seems to appreciate the fact he has a dream job many film fans would do anything to have. It was hard to get used to anyone other than Robert Osborne unless they were co hosting with him. Sadly his health does not seem to be great these days. At 84 though, he still looks good on camera and does a great job as always.


I miss having TCM on the lineup of channels I can get since I downgraded my Comcast to limited basic level of service roughly 14 months ago. Seeing Bob Osborne once or more most nights was quite comforting and reassuring, always leaving me feeling like, "Yes, all's well and fine in the world tonight." :)


Snuggling up to a good ol' movie that's a favorite of yours is always a comforting thing, I find. Even thinking of it right now helps the endorphins a little, hah


For sure. Old movies are a wonderful temporary escape from everyday modern life and are quite soothing and calming to watch.

Btw, I've not been receiving any Movie Chat response notification e-mails, despite being registered for them. So except when I actually am actively now and then on the site and happen to see the red bell, I haven't been having any way of knowing when/if anything I post is getting response(s). Hopefully the notification e-mails will start coming through.


It seems like other people have been having that issue too. I did not register my email with the site, but have you tried re-registering it, if possible?

You could always email jim about it. I believe his address is
I thought the issue might have been resolved by now, but I think everything is a bit glitchy as we continue to be in the building stages.

In the mean time, go watch a nice old movie with a blanket and some coco ;) Ah, sounds good already...


Damn. I just found out Robert passed away today. Truly sad news. I'm bummed I was a bit prophetic about his health not being very good.

R.I.P. Robert Osborne.


TCM is the best!!! I always check the schedule to see what's on. It's my favorite escape. There nothing else like it. I like the bit of trivia they give at the beginning of the movie and I wish they would do a lot more of that. An hour long daily show discussing the movie business with all different professionals (not just famous actors) would be my ideal addition. That's why I can't do without these message boards, they give me so much more incite and background than I could get anywhere else.


My ritual has always been - still is - that either soon before, or shortly after, watching a vintage movie I go onto the site and access the Overview page for it, then ALWAYS read the Article, as there's some very interesting articles there. If you've never noticed them, be sure to check them out. During the last year or so I've also gotten so I generally also check for a Wikipedia article about a given vintage movie, after watching it, to see if there's more I can learn about it. Between the TCM Articles, Wikipedia, and IMDb - then looking over the corresponding IMDb boards, it makes for a full-immersion experience.


Thank you genplant29! I've only gone on TCM's website a handful of times. I always forget to avail myself of the resources available. I was strongly dependent on IMDb because the page layout was nice for each movie and the boards were right there so I got kind of lazy. I'm really enjoying these new boards though. I'm very grateful Jim was able to archive so many of the old IMDb pages.


Hi, Drm! Yes: Do please be sure to, whenever you are about to, or just have, watch a Classic movie to check the site for that specific movie title's "Overview" page. There you'll find not only the expected type basics, but normally also a Leonard Maltin mini-review (using, as I recall, 4-stars [may be 5 stars] rating system), one or more interesting article specifically about that film (including may be about history of its production, and what original critical and crowd perception of the movie in question was). Also you can read some TCM viewers' opinions/comments about that film, and even can read some original (contemporary to original release of the movie in question) reviews by this or that newspaper or magazine critic. It's truly an invaluable resource.

Incidentally, you don't actually have to be literally on the site to access a particular given movie's either "Overview" page or it's article(s) section. Instead simply, in your internet search engine, type in (for example) "Wizard of Oz TCM Overview". That movie's overview page then should readily come up as first thing that's listed in the search results. You can also, if wanting to directly access an article, type in "Wizard of Oz TCM Article" and you'll readily get what you want.

Btw, I'm going off the computer for a while, but noticed your new message to me, so wanted to reply before I do other stuff for a while. Probably, since this board was begun yesterday and is lengthy now, I'm thinking that what would be neat is perhaps daily someone newly create a TCM thread for that new particular day. For example "Fans of TCM, Fri. 2/24/17." That way a new board, on each new day, would help new entries be much easier to spot and to access. This board here, it's now roughly 1.5 miles long. lol


Do not just make a general discussion thread on it, use the message boards!!! :D

Let's start reaching out into making this site what it should be. The more people we have using the message boards, the more it will look like we actually need them.

Funny thing is, the general discussion forum is probably used a lot more than it was on IMDb and this was even within the first three days of this site.


So far I haven't done any specific type message boards posting about any titles or actors/actresses. I've solely just done this type of group messages on these forums or whatever this type page is known as. By the way, I've posted quite a bit on the TMDb boards, as that's where I'm mainly based now. I enjoy over there for certain things, and over here for other type things. So it's a wonderful combination, that is good, each site, for different type things.


What would you want to see here that you have to keep going over there for?

Go here to put your suggestions down. Things That Need To Be Added


I had already added all my stuff over there before I was aware of here. I started there a week ago, so had already added everything there. PS: I've been giving plugs, over there, to over here, incidentally.


I can't think of anything in particular. Over here, it's this type forum or whatever, that I am very drawn to and greatly enjoying. This sort of thing is a major shining plus here, that's a great strength of Movie Chat.


If I edit my reply, do you still get a reply in your email?

I wonder...


Good question


I think he might have because he responded to my reply again. By "he", I mean genplant.


I still don't have any notifications, whatsoever, from Movie Chat about any replies. But it's solely this type page I've been posting on. So maybe these type pages don't generate notifications of replies, since this is more like a "conversation," rather than how the message boards set-up is a sort of different type flow to how things work.


genplant29 replied to your post in the thread "TCM" in General Discussion:

I still don't have any notifications, whatsoever, from Movie Chat about any replies. But it's solely...

view reply on

Oh. We'll have to figure out why for you. I am receiving your messages crisp and clear.


See the message I added a minute ago about, so far, no screen ever asking for my e-mail address. Lemme try something. I'll totally sign out of Movie Chat, then sign back in. Maybe something is different about the sign in now. If I don't reappear, it'll mean that something went terribly wrong and I screwed something up. lol


Go to your profile and under your name it should say "add email". Once you click on that, click "yes". Once people send you messages, check your spam folder and just move it to inbox.

It could be that you may need to refresh as I think the feature was actually activated an hour or so ago.


I just signed out, then back in. When I signed out, I then got the option to either "Log In" or to "Sign In". (I think those were the two options.) I tried, first, Log In - which DID ask for an e-mail address. I filled in the entire screen - and it responded that my i.d. was already taken, of my genplant29 (and I supposed also my e-mail address?). So I then simply signed in via where it says "Sign In". There, as usual, it asked ONLY for my username (no e-mail address whatsoever) and a password. I probably did have to enter an e-mail address the first time I came on Movie Chat on Tuesday or Wednesday, but don't recall now, if so.


Lemme go to do what you just said. brb. Hopefully will work.


No, you do not have to sign out. You just have to click on your username, when signed in, and when you get to your profile, just click "add email". That is where you add your email and it will give you the option of turning notifications on or off.


No, you do not have to sign out. You just have to click on your username, when signed in, and when you get to your profile, just click "add email". That is where you add your email and it will give you the option of turning notifications on or off.


Ta-dah! Done. Yes: I found that place you mentioned, and now have newly added e-mail address and selected "Yes" for e-mails notification. So all should hereafter be well.




Something just occurred to me: Whenever I sign in to Movie Chat, all that the Sign In thing asks for is just my USERNAME and a password. It has NEVER (yet) asked for any e-mail address. So, to date, Movie Chat doesn't have my e-mail address, as I never had any fill-in screen that asked for it. I always just type in "genplant29" and a password to be able to post on Movie Chat. No e-mail address.


That is true. I think it asks for your email when you go to the "add email" link on your profile.


Yes: I'm all registered and signed up for notifications now.


Now another dilemma is this whole "clickable" links thing. I am still having a problem making a clickable link. lol


True. I guess strictly urls can be presented here at this time.




That url takes me to a search-results screen. It lists a Movie Chat. However, when I clicked on the link for that, it takes me to a page on some other site about "The Round Stable" horsie forum? What be that? lol


I cannot even click that URL I posted. I just copied and pasted it into my browser and it takes me to the "Things That Need To Be Added" page.

Ugh...I just wish I could make it clickable and put it into a text format.


It wasn't clickable for me either. I copied and pasted it into my search engine. But it didn't open to Movie Chat (though the search results list listed it as Movie Chat). Instead, when I clicked on the search result that said Movie Chat, it instead was that Round Stable site, which definitely isn't Movie Chat. It has two pictures of bleeding people on it, looking like ready for triage.




Yeah, I have no idea what was up with that.


I'll catch you again soon, my friend. 4:30a.m. here, and time to start winding things down and closing up shop for the night.


Well, we have notifications now, so I am sure we'll be able to message more.

4:30 here as well.

I just slept from 7:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m., so had my 8 hours.
