MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > first time with out IMDb

first time with out IMDb

came back from the cinema yesterday after watching John Wick 2 and it was so strange not jumping to IMDb first thing and found my self almost like a literal refugee of the internet, anyone else the same?


I think the same thing happens to most of us here. Instead of watching something and going to IMDb to read what other people thought, we find ourselves forced to write first thoughts about something, creating new threads on boards and participating more than we are used to. But this is a price we all have to pay for now.


Jump start with this site. Make a thread on the General Discussion board about anyone wanting to join conversation on the actual movie's message board. The more traffic we have on the message boards, the more this site will not seem like a haunted mansion, with everyone arriving in the doorway and not enough people walking through the rooms. Good luck!


I agree with this, just start it yourself! I know it can be hard if you're introverted or used to lurking or whatever, but sometimes it's the only way to get the ball rolling. The more initiative people take the more activity we can have!

That instinct to go to IMDb is still there for me too, it's weird not seeing it in my bookmarks anymore, but when I'm reminded (not that it takes much) how awful they were about all this...I don't feel so bad anymore :P

I hope this site works out for ya!


Well, IMDb is still a source for those involved in movie production crews, extra work, etc. I will have to say I am a traitor because I will always have to reference back and add credits to my profile, trivia (unless we make up our own fan trivia here, etc.); however, this will always be my to-go-to when wanting to write about movies.

It is sort of bad that we could not have a site that does all that, stated above, but IMDb chose to open that can of worms and for that, they will be slighted....A LOT.


Ah, I don't fault people for still using it. It has become such a source, as you said. The amount of information they have as well as clout at this point makes that understandable.

Personally, I don't really need to go back there that much, but it's hard not to reach for it when dealing with this sort of subject because it's so dominant and one-stop-shopping, in a sense, for finding out several different things at once (like movie times, trivia, dates, cast, etc). That's super appealing and I'm sure that's what they were hoping and betting on after the boards went. It's all good, and you still ended up here anyways to discuss and that's what it's all about ;)




But that is why when you watch a movie this year, make a separate thread on the General Discussion to start writing about it. I remember that was one point I made with IMDb. I had done so much production assistant work, extra work, and stand-in work on movies that I became fascinated with every movie I had seen thereafter. Especially last year, I would make it a habit to visit the message boards of the movies I had seen or to also add to the "trivia" section or consolidate that section (I know...must have a lot of time on my hands) and see what it was about.

I still watch old 90s shows now like Rocket Power, etc. from a bootleg site that I have. I had to turn off cable as of the end of January because Spectrum is now the new cable provider and rates are going up. I no longer am able to keep my $109 a month and so now I use a bootleg site that seems to have most of the shows/movies I like.


Had the same thing after watching Taxi Driver on the big screen the other day. Luckily, as it's an old movie there's plenty of stuff on YouTube, and other articles, and luckily there's this place.


It sucks big time! I see imdb is losing traffic to its site though. The only incentive I have to return there is to rate a film to add to my voting history so in a few years I can surprise myself that I rated a particular film a 9 or 10. But right now I have no desire in even opening up the site in hope that if their falling numbers continue, they might have some restorative action plan.




I know what you mean. I watched both seasons of Derek on netflix and normally I would have gone straight to imdb to discuss it. Actually I went there but only to realize it's not the same anymore. Glad we have this place.
