MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Cease and Desist

Cease and Desist

Since there is no way to contact the owner of this site I'm posting a cease and desist order here to remove all archived posts under my IMDB username.
You have no right to reproduce anything I said on another site
To the owner please leave a contract email here
I will also be contacting your hosting company Namecheap to make them aware of your copyright infringement


It's actually easy to contact the owner.

You can contact him with a legitimate take down notice.
You might want to google what a legitimate take down notice looks like. There are templates to use.


Thank you for the email

As for cease and desist templates all you need to do is make the owner aware basically


And you will need to find a way to prove you are the same cathal who posted on IMDB. Since the PM system there is disabled, this could be difficult.
You could theoretically be some one who dislikes the original cathal and is trying to erase all their posts.


I can do that easily with a screenshot of my logged in username on IMDb


What if the real cathal left his/her browser open, and you're their cleaning lady?


haha , that escalated quickly !


Relax people! He is a troll from tmdb who wants to make life difficult for Jim. That's all.

See the link below. He is Markoff.

Let Jim deal with him as he sees fit and let him go back to Tmdb for the time being.




And here it goes, the spoiler trolls are here


Oh yeah...without missing a beat!



it's the internet, you don't own shit.

produce the copyrights


We will see what their hosting provider says about that

No website has the right to reproduce anything I say on another website


Well the first task is to prove that you said it. (i.e. that you own the content)
How would you go about doing that?
Just having a matching username is not proof. I was able to register this name here when I was never even a member on IMDB. I have no idea if the name was in use over there, but if it was, I don't own that person's posts.


speaking of names, i spelled my name wrong, like an idiot. gonna sue jim for making me look dumb






I think all our posts belong to whatever website we post at, cathal. That's usually in the terms and conditions, and often stated again right up front when you join.

I would imagine imdb owned the posts you (allegedly) authored, but they gave them to the public when they announced the public had two weeks notice to archive anything they wanted from the boards. All the Message Board posts are now part of many different archives (including this one).

Had you not wanted your posts to be archived by others, you could have deleted your posting history...but you did not. This was negligent, and makes you complicit.

I am sorry you are upset. Have you considered writing about your pain in my Survivors Haiku Thread?


Not to mention google cache
the wayback machine
and many other sites that scrape and mirror content from all over the web.

Normally to prove you owned content first, like lets say you write a story on your blog and then someone else plagiarizes it and posts it as theirs. Normally you would show the original on your blog, and that has a date on it. the dates then determine who actually owned the content first.
In this case, the original is gone, so you cannot link the web host to the iMDB page and say "look I posted this here first".


When I post at a website I give that website a right to use what I posted and only that website
I never gave this website permission to reproduce what I said on another website

I do not like a website using anything I wrote on another website on a website that is monetized in any way or using tactics to accumulate money based on anything I said

This website has no rights to use any content from IMDb


I don't understand you, or rather, what axe it is you're grinding, and why.

Nothing is being monetized on this site, or on the IMDb2 forums, or on IMDbArchive; that's obvious. All three sites scraped threads/posts from IMDb, including quite a number of my posts. I don't care. Why would I? I gave IMDb permission to do with them what they wanted, and it's no skin off of my back, if three sites have duplicated them.

Are you also posting on IMDb2 and the archive site asking them to remove your posts? If not, why not? And frankly, if you are, why anyway?

From what I've read, it sounds to me like you're a member of TMDb, and don't like it that this site has gained some traction, despite being a latecomer, so are trying to discourage membership here and attempting to cause problems for the owner of this site.

If that's the case, listen, there's plenty of room for two or more sites. I don't like the interface at TMDb as well as I like this one. I prefer the posters here. This is simply a better fit for me. There will be others, such as yourself, for which TMDb is a better fit, and they prefer the interface there, as well as the posters and general atmosphere. There will be some who will use both sites, too.

This needn't be some kind of silly warfare. I've mentioned TMDb site here several times, as have others, and will undoubtedly continue to (as well as PreviouslyTV) as alternatives, or addendums.

Peace out, as they used to say.


I doubt that. You likely clicked "I agree" on the disclaimer/agreement page when you signed up for an IMDB account, so you probably waived all such rights already.


^^also this


If you're not a troll, relax and sit back and reflect on what you might be doing for a second. Are you really willing to kill an entire website that many are enjoying just for something minor and insignificant like this?


He wouldn't kill the whole site. If he was successful in proving he owned the content, he would have to give links to each and every post he wanted removed, and then jim (or some helper) would just remove those posts.
If this person was a prolific poster, they would have to spend a long time finding every post they ever made.
The burden is always on the one issuing the takedown notice to provide the links.
And they have to file an actual DMCA notice for each link.


The OP sounds like a troll


Before IMDB shut down their message boards, they had a disclaimer on their website that informed former users like you and me that anyone could archive the postings at their own discretion. Although I can understand your concerns over privacy, please be assured that Jim did not violate anything related to copyrighting when there was clearly a legitimate message on IMDB that stated that him or anyone else had the right to preserve the postings. Not trying to start an argument here, but if you're going to blame someone, blame the folks over on IMDB for that.


Archive their own posts! Not everyone else's posts and I sure as hell never gave this website authorisation to do so


<< Archive their own posts! Not everyone else's posts >>

Not quite sure that's how it was worded....


"Your License to IMDb: If you do post content or submit material, and unless we indicate otherwise, you grant IMDb a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such content throughout the world in any media. You grant IMDb and its sublicensees the right to use the name that you submit in connection with such content, if they choose."

Considering they gave people the right to archive posts THEY owned from a PUBLIC forum, you're going to have a hard time getting anything removed. Good luck though...


How hard is it understand plain English
They did not give another website the right to archive everything someone said

They did not give people the right to archive anything - you already owned what you said on the internet - it belongs to you and always will, not to some crappy imitation


<< you already owned what you said on the internet - it belongs to you and always will >>

If only life were that simple, pet.


If you told Jim about the issue already, then at least give him some time to respond. I'm sure that he'll get to you eventually considering all the other stuff that he is currently working on now that is related to this fine website.


Nope....from what I understand, all (or most) of the previous postings on IMDB were fair game to be archived. Besides, if they weren't, then Jim wouldn't have been able to save most of what you now see here. Being that he was also a lawyer for four years, I'm also going to have to side with him here.

With that being said, however, I'm still trying to figure out why you are so upset with Jim over this. He's a good guy that has been working very hard to try and re-establish what we have unfortunately lost over on IMDB and for that, I give him MAJOR kudos!

In any case, as long as you didn't give out any personal (or potentially embarrassing) information to anyone over IMDB's message boards (never a good idea), then you should be fine.


Take a fucking chill pill if you are not trolling. This is really the dumbest reason i've ever seen to be pissed off about something. My messages i posted on imdb are there and i am happy about it. I can refind the old conversations i had. Your life must suck balls if this is really something that annoys you.


Jim was a lawyer for 4 years and knows what he's doing. So if you have a problem, by all means, tell him, he'll know exactly what to do.


But what if cathal's fabulous posts (wherever they are) are stripped away??? How will the site survive???


OMG! We'll be doomed for hell! 😉


CATHAL...READ THIS, it's a paragraph from Jim's, "Welcome to", post.

"2. Are there legal concerns about archiving IMDB's posts?
No. Before I became a software engineer, I was a lawyer for 4 years practicing in the IP and copyright space, and thus I have a deep understanding of the current situation, which is partly why I decided to start this site. Furthermore, I have spoke with several individuals at AMZN/IMDB, all of whom state that the message boards are of absolute minimum value/concern to the company, and it is highly unlikely that the company would pursue any legal action should someone attempt to archive the boards. In fact, IMDB was actually considering creating an API / data extraction tool to allow users to retrieve whatever they wanted before the boards shut down, but they decided it just wasn't enough of a priority for them (it wouldn't bring in any revenue, so why should they do it?). The (much) more likely scenario is that a few individual users may directly request to have their posts removed (much like you can request Google to remove personal information about you from its search results). Such an action would have a very minimal effect on the overall content of our site."


Jim should countersue the OP


Totally! 👍👍


Better call Saul!


Better get William Shatner and James Spader back on the case too.

"Boston Legal" anyone?


Perhaps Ally McBeal can be coaxed out of retirement, as well.


LOL! Ally McBeal! There's another show that I haven't seen in a while.

I was also going to say Ben Matlock as well...but that's going further back (last I knew, he was pretty expensive too)...and the fact that Andy Griffith has since passed on. God rest his soul along with his good friend Don Knotts.


Andy of my all time favourite shows! 😄 RIP Andy and Don.


Indeed! Those two were favorites of mine and my family for years! May they both rest in peace!


I don't care what the owner posted on his own website about supposed contacts with IMDb
If you really think I am the only one who is not happy with this then you are sorely misguided
I have no desire to support this site with anything I wrote on IMDb, an email has already been sent to the owner and a complaint sent to Namecheap


I'm sure it will be no great loss when your old posts are removed.


Well, please keep everyone notified as to how it's all resolved. Speaking for myself, I am on the edge of my seat.

Good luck, mon petite soldat.


Step 1) Open anus
Step 2) Remove stick


Hey...if you don't want your posts here, then quit posting already. So you emailed leave, he'll take care of it. We don't want to hear your whining anymore. Why are you even here in the first place...other than to whine about your oh, so precious posts? Go away cause we can't solve your problem...unless you just want to keep trolling.

Ok, I'm off to another topic, this one is worn out.


You never even read the post.


Fine, why don't you ask him to delete your account and never come back as well?


You've just been awarded the post of the day! Now that you have proven the OP wrong, can I get a motion to close this board?



The board is adjourned.


Hallelujah! Let it be known that this issue is hereby closed!


Thank you jmc! 😃👍👍


You are quite welcome, StyxNyx! :)




Why do you even want your posts removed? This only intrigues me.

Just *how* embarrassing could they be? Did you stalk someone you had unrequited love for? Did you post nudes? Did your feelings get hurt and demanded attention from admins and moderators who couldn't give a damn? Did you bitch and whine over posts you wanted taken down but couldn't because it was quoted by someone else? Did you suddenly realise that posts are visible to the naked human eye?


I imagine cathal comes from one of the other "new" IMDB-boards, where they are annoyed that this site seems to get many of the old gang because Jim had the brilliant idea of including the old posts in a "new" IMDB-forum.

Many on IMDBv2.0, thegotboard and TMDB have probably put lots of effort into creating a new movie-discussion home (like here) and they want all the old users of the old IMDB-boards. So it becomes some kind of war where this site is the "enemy" in attracting users they want. With such a view on things, the use of their old posts on the IMDB-forums is like Jim using their old contributions "against" them.

Why can't we all get along? I am sure many posts both here and there anyway. For my part IMDBv2.0 and thegotboard are way too messy and doesn't have own boards for movies/actors - like the old one on IMDB. TMDB looks nice enough and could be good, but I still prefer the clean look here + they lack the archived posts from the old boards.



For the record, I also briefly looked at IMDBv2.0 and TMDB, but was not a fan of their layout or organization.

This website, however, is really nice and Jim continues to impress me by the day with his continuous updates. To me, it fits like a fine leather glove...or as someone else once put it..."a comfy old shoe."


A comfy old shoe or leather glove.. yep, sounds about right in how I feel about this site indeed!


Glad to hear it! Hope to engage in further conversation with you in the not too distant future! I love the atmosphere and community here too!


This sounds like the right answer.



I was going to say the same thing. People don't read the terms of use anymore. I use to assume it's common knowledge but I think common knowledge is lacking these days.


There's enough dumassery in the OP's original demands on its on merit. If Jim implements a 'search posters' feature, or something, I might do a little rummaging and take a little peek. ;)

Ohhh we're in for some good gossip material for sure. What *is* he hiding? xD




Are you fucking serious?? Kys
