MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > WOW Moviechat has a commercial on twitte...

WOW Moviechat has a commercial on twitter !!!!

I don't know if it's anywhere else.


You dumb fools - he stole a Netflix promotional video, overlayed his own logo on theirs - gonna get his ass sued


jim, super-lawyer, say it isn't so!!!



you ever heard of the concept of twin films?

like when armageddon and deep impact both came out at the same time. just a coincidence.

just kidding. jim going to jail, for a long long time. probably gonna get raped hard too. but he's such a good lawyer, he might be able to bargain down to raped mildly.


Haha, I had a feeling the production value was a bit high.

Meh, there's many other things in the world to be butt hurt over. I am still going to enjoy the site for what it's worth.


Consider the source of this comment.




Oh damn, you're right.

That's disappointing. I was really liking the idea that he was so committed to this that he was getting legit commercials produced.




I choose to believe that Netflix STOLE our commercial and is now trying to pass it off as their own. We are just THAT popular.

I feel sorry for them, really.




D@mn Netflix, that evil conglomerate, has found a way to REWRITE HISTORY ! ! !

I will NOT be fooled....!!




Now THAT'S what I'm talking about, baby!

Great commercial, Jim! :)


If it's copied or not,big whoop. Jim did this for us.Thank you Jim


Everyone should care. This is not a good thing; it's directly stealing work that someone else paid for, had worked on, and uses. That is a huge problem and not something that should ever be done. It is a very obvious infringement of copyrighted promotional material. Even if it wasn't blatantly breaking the law to a point of easy prosecution (which it is), it's just wrong and very unprofessional. This kind of behavior will destroy any good reputation this site has for many serious users. It's not okay to steal other peoples' work and claim it as your own. I really hope it doesn't become a problem, but aside from that, it's a little disheartening to know that Jim (or whoever else is in charge of that) would be resorting to such acts. A lot of bad attention at the beginning of a popular website can stop it dead in it's tracks and I'd like to see this website stay around, as it seems to be one of the best, active IMDB archives around at the moment.


Jim may have thought most if not all people would recognize it as Netflix's commercial, so would view it as a joke, or a sort of homage.

I'd never seen it before, so yes I did think Jim had done it. Misguided, yes, but certainly not unforgivable.


Why don't you suck Jim's dick already?


I agree with you in part, but you may be overstating things a bit.

As Catbookss says, it's possible that jim did it as a sort of joke, thinking most film fans would recognize it. But even if not, since the site hasn't been monetized, jim might have been looking at it from a "fair use" angle.

In any case, I do agree that's bad form. If you want a commercial, have one produced. Even if it doesn't look as slick as something a huge company like Netflix would produce, it's better to have your own original work. I knew that something felt a little off about this when I saw it though. It's too long and just didn't tie in to the idea of a movie message board well enough.


I agree with both of you, except the fair use part; This is a textbook case of straight up infringement, regardless of any opinions or intentions. I did overstated it, but only to make sure that the people who see no problem with this kind of thing might start to understand why it's an issue. Does it make me hate Jim? Nah, not at all. But it does make me think Jim should be more careful and perhaps a bit more thoughtful with that kind of thing in the future. I am, however, very glad that at least some people here can have mature conversations. I'm really not used to seeing anything near what could be called sentences in replies.


Maybe "fair use" is the wrong way to put it. I guess more what I'm saying is that, since jim isn't profiting from the site at this point, then a simple takedown notice is probably the worst he's worried about. But with that said, we seem to be in agreement that if jim wants a commercial, he should find a way to have something original produced.

Regarding having mature conversations, is it really bad around here? I mostly stay off the general boards and have stuck to the individual boards about specific films/TV shows/directors/actors.


Oh, it doesn't seem to be bad here, no. That is what is surprising. Most places are overrun with idiots who just post nonsense and argue with everything "because reasons". I'm glad to see that there are actually some real conversations happening around here instead of just the usual illogical nonsense that plagues most social boards and sites.


I agree Jim should be more careful in future. Not everyone has seen that Netflix commercial, and recognized it, even if he thought most had.

I also agree you overstated, and understand why.

"I'm really not used to seeing anything near what could be called sentences in replies."

Eh? I'm not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean you're not used to seeing anything near complete sentences as replies on IMDb, or here, or both?


I meant on average across most social platforms and popular forums across the web, including many of the IMDB discussions. There hasn't been nearly as much of that nonsense here, which is great. I'm not used to seeing many mature discussions on popular, active forums, so this place is a nice deviation from all the nonsense troll garbage that ruins so many discussions and conversations (so far, anyway).


Ah, okay, I get what you mean now. Too bad we've mostly become accustomed to 140 characters or so, which only emphasizes the importance of forums/boards where we're not so confined. AFAIK, few if any forums are restricted this way.

I'm totally in agreement with you that it's a refreshing change to see so many reasoned and reasonable posts, in any venue -- the few troll threads/posts aside, which is to be expected. The fact that I've seen so much of that here, after lurking for a week or less is why I ultimately joined and began posting to this site.




Yeah it isn't the smartest move.


I'm down for almost anything supporting Moviechat, but this is just downright disgusting. We're better than this.


I'm not really that great.



But seriously, Jim should tell us something about this commercialgate here. I am hoping for something like "my 12 year old kid did this while I wasn't looking"

reply disappointing. My biggest concern is for the site. I hope this doesn't rip it right off the web before it even had chance to grow or become something. How thoughtless of a thing that would be after all the work he and we have put into it....I just don't get it.

Marketing is good and needed and helpful, but this? Just so unnecessary and potentially a killer. I hope he addresses it and/or takes it down at least soon. I want to give Jim the benefit of the doubt and I do still support the site, but this isn't looking so good, would very much like to hear from him.


Everyone - thank you for alerting me to this issue. The ad has been removed and the individual responsible for it is no longer with the MovieChat team.

A little backstory: I recently contracted with an individual to manage our advertising/marketing and social media efforts. She had a solid background and work experience, so I thought it would be a good fit and help us get the word out. Unfortunately, she engaged in unscrupulous behavior that is absolutely unacceptable. Ultimately, it is my fault for not looking deeper into her and her marketing firm, as upon further examination, it appears they have engaged in similar behavior in the past. I was excited about spreading the word about MovieChat, and my excitement precluded me from doing the vetting and due diligence that I would normally do in the regular course of business. I take full responsibility, and I am now looking into potential legal action against her and her firm.

I know the comments above are mixed, but let me be clear, this type of action will absolutely not be tolerated at MovieChat, and needless to say the individual responsible is no longer part of the MovieChat team.


PS: We are now looking for a new social media and marketing expert. If you are interested, or know someone who is, please email me directly at


Thanks for responding Jim!

I can see how this snowballed out of control into how it was perceived. I hope you don't have to deal with many of these curious incidences as you get your boards up and running.

Great boards by the way, thanks!


Thanks for letting us know Jim. I've been waiting to respond to this thread b/c I wanted to hear what you had to say. I was a little worried about what would happen b/c this place has become my new home and I'd hate to lose it over something like this. Sounds like ya have it under control.

I have a little bit of experience with facebook marketing if that's helpful? Never used twitter, instagram, or any of the others though.


Thank you for giving us an explanation. I had faith and hope that you weren't behind this and I'm glad to see that was right. I'm sorry that that went so wrong for you and got out of hand. Good to see it's being cleared up, best of luck in dealing with that!

I've used lots of social media, but I am not a professional in it so I doubt I'd be a good fit, but if I come across anyone that seems qualified I'll let ya know! Many thanks again!


Thank you for the explanation. I'm sorry that happened, and hope things go better in the future.
Honestly, in the back of my mind I thought it did look vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place where I might have seen it before.


I'm a film student and, if you're interested, there's a possibility that I could produce a legitimate ad for the site.

I can't promise it will look as slick as a Netflix ad, but I'd be interested in discussing it.


Thank you for clarifying all that for us, Jim! I, among many others no doubt, am very relieved to know that you are on the right side of this ordeal and I'm glad you've stopped that situation before it can do more damage. Keep up the good work.


Yes thank you, some unnamed person working for some unnamed company produced a $50k advert for 20 dollars and I never suspected anything wrong with it
Thank god he can proclaim ignorance
Well now his advertising budget is busted
Me personally I would never check a company out before paying them a single cent but I'm not Jim the lawyer with years of copyright law behind him, oops


I think I see what point you're trying to make (which yes, is very obvious, and no, not something that has "gone over my head"). However, the format of your reply makes it hard to understand just what you are talking about without assuming all sorts of things. Are you being sarcastic and trying to make a point? Or are you just completely confused? Or or you replying to a different topic? Just say what you are trying to say. People should not wildly assume things; It's foolish and only confuses people.


I have a feeling this person gets high off the knowledge is power sentiment and likes to pretend he is a spy.


The point is ignorance is not an excuse from someone claiming to have been a copyright lawyer

...or maybe, as more likely, he is just a chancer with delusion of grandeur


What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it? Why or why not?


Ah, I see. Yes, I completely agree, ignorance is no excuse, especially in this sort of context. And although the latter of what you mentioned could very well be more likely (which it probably is), I don't want to assume to know for sure. But yes, you're probably right.




Maaan, I leave for 1 second and this controversial 'commercial' gets deleted :@

I now have the curiosity itch that can't be scratched. Damn it.


Jim deleted it.


It was the exact same footage as the Netflix ad:

The only difference being the logo on the bottom-right corner. Netflix was taken off and 'MovieChat' was placed there instead.
