MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Reality is different to what you see on ...

Reality is different to what you see on TV, books, movies

Many people prefer to live their lives vicariously through these media; they try to avoid reality as much as possible. Reality is bleak. Reality is uncertain. When you hear the creeping noises of the insects at 3 am in the middle of the night, or hear the howling winds of the winter storm; When they watch lots of cars swish past them and the horrible noises of a nihilistic universe with no purpose, they go back to their safe spaces, and lot of these are within their sheltered minds.


Ever watch Little People, Big World?


Damn, Tyler! You need to go back on your meds, buddy. I'm worried about you. Yes reality can be bleak, but it can also be beautiful and amazing.



haha nice thread


Nice try, Tyler Durden, but I'm not starting an underground fighting tournament over this. Not yet.


you sound teenage and angsty... or maybe just closted (that's what fight club was really about, going the gay way)...

Life is beautiful... We quite literally, give the universe meaning, as it is indifferent to us... Read some Camus (the Stranger perhaps), go outside during the day... it's beautiful... Who knows, younmight even meet someone nice...


Thanks for the call out thread!


hallucinating drugs fester the mind, and takes us to the twilight zone ,,,,,again


Many people prefer to live their lives vicariously through these media;

and you know all these people?
