MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why hasn't this site caught on yet?

Why hasn't this site caught on yet?

When I first found out about this site, it was a breath of fresh air. It's set up exactly how imdb was and it even looks like imdb in terms of graphics and design. So I figured this site would be a great replacement and people would be flocking to it--and imdb wouldn't be missed at all. Yet nobody from imdb comes here and posts under the movies.

Is it because people just know about this site yet? Or are people from the old boards just choosing to give up discussing now that imdb is over??


It's a common issue people bring up and is a valid one. The biggest reason, I think, so far is just the site is very, very new. It was only set up (correct me if I'm wrong) a week before IMDb closed down. It was very basic and bare bones for a bit and that may have turned people off as well as IMDb not giving us enough time to really spread the word.

Add onto the fact that other message board sites have popped up and people from IMDb splintered in the hopes of finding a new home, suddenly you have people scattered across numerous sites instead of all gathering on one.

I wouldn't say there isn't any activity, it's certainly moving along more than I expected at this stage. Another common thing around here is that you may have to be your own activity for a bit. So start threads, respond to others, and create the kind of traffic you'd want to see. That might sound crappy to some, but it's also one of the better ways to try and get this place booming more. Other than's just going to take time. Updates are happening all the time, feedback is occurring too, and it's just one of those things that requires a bit of time to really accumulate.

I hope you keep posting and contributing though! It may not be on IMDb's-level, but it is turning into its own thing with a very dedicated community.


"It may not be on IMDb's-level, but it is turning into its own thing with a very dedicated community."

I agree. Not to mention it'd be impossible for a site that's only two weeks old to suddenly become as populated as one that was decades old.

It's moving along faster than I'd expected it to be so soon, as well.

Thanks to the Trending section, the boards are starting to get filled. So far, I've even reunited with three posters from my favorite IMDb boards :)


Right, no instant gratification with this stuff. Ya just gotta dive in and be patient! Honestly, once you start participating I think people will realize they'll be engaging with the site a lot more.

Ever since posting and starting my own threads and what-knot, the activity around here rarely ever seems all that dull. Like the movie says, "if you build it, they will come...."


"Ever since posting and starting my own threads and what-knot, the activity around here rarely ever seems all that dull."

Yes, I've noticed the same thing!

Although I never used IMDb's general message boards, it makes sense to me that most of the activity is here -- for now anyway. Also that on the movie/TV/actors' boards there's a fair amount of talk about what happened, rather than actual discussion.

We're still getting our sea legs, learning to adapt, and settle in.


I've been commenting on here far more than I ever did on IMDb because I want this site to succeed.. I want a place to go and chat about movies when I see one that takes my interest and I love seeing other people's opinions on films too (even if the comments are from before the move). I guess it will just take time and effort.


Good for you! I appreciate it, and feel the same way.

One thing I've noticed is many posters here have said they were lurkers on IMDb, but are quite active here now. I think that's wonderful!


I agree, I think we all feel a little responsible for the success of this site whereas none of us had any sense of ownership of IMDb!


I didn't feel ownership of IMDb, but I *did* very much feel a part of that community. I guess that's the same thing I'm feeling here, except I'm more invested in doing what I can to make this site a success, which I know is what you're saying :)


Part of the so called troll community? Still mourning ?


I think people were jolted from their routine and maybe there is a sub conscious resentment toward having to start anew. There were most likely others who were meaning to kick the habit but could not previous to the IMDb incident and now these people have found the energy for change that they have been looking for. Me? I just accept what has happened and moved on. I've dealt with employers who made changes in short order which impacted me so the IMDb episode certainly was not as bad as going through a career change.


I swear I'm gonna start going on other sites and ask them "why is this site doing so lousy?"
Apparently, that's great fun to do.




Yeah I know this. My comment was meant more for moviechat posters to stop being so apologetic to anyone who enters here and asks "why aren't you doing better". It's like asking a fat person "Why are you so fat" in his face... it's damn rude and should be treated accordingly.


There seems to be a good number of people in the general discussion area but not enough in the movie and tv show forums. I think it will catch on over time, we have to be patient and promote this site as much as we can.


For me it's because I tend to comment once I've seen a film or show that has interested me enough to comment and in all honesty, how many times does that happen in the space of a couple of weeks? We can't expect it to happen immediately!




I think alot of folk only used the imdb boards periodically, I know I could go for months without looking, then see a movie or two and want to see what others are saying about it and spend a couple of weeks looking, etc.

I think the very short notice Imdb gave, and relatively little publicity (I don't think I would have know had I not logged in and saw the header) meant another of folk were ignorant of what was happening. I really thought it would be a huge story, but even YouTube videos complaint about it only made a max of a few thousand views.

I am very grateful to Jim for this site, and do hope it really takes off.


To give you some insight on how hard it was to find a site like IMDb, because I wanted the message board option, this was like the fifth or sixth link on google. Additionally, most of the people that find this website tend to hangout in the general discussion post. If you want your shows/movies to boom, write to people here on if they would want to discuss on those forums. WE have to take responsibility for making this site better. Unlike IMDb, the sole purpose here is the message boards. I cannot say that on IMDb, there was much traffic, years after a show series or movie ended. Now is our chance to replenish traffic in the old arena.


I'm using it just as much as the old site.
