MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: Archives, Pages, & more

UPDATE: Archives, Pages, & more

I’m excited to announce MovieChat’s latest update which includes:

1. Virtually complete Movie and TV Show archives - thanks to the archive data that has been made public, our archives for movies and tv shows are now virtually complete. It was a complex task to integrate these archives with our existing posts here, and took longer than expected, but having the full archives alongside our existing content is well worth it. All existing MovieChat posts should have been preserved, but if you notice anything missing just let me know. (I backed up the entire site before the integration, so nothing is lost.)

2. No more endless scrolling - pagination has now been added!

3. Post Count - your post count now appears beside your username whenever you post

4. Easily identify the original poster (OP) in a thread - the OP’s username is now bolded

There are a few more minor changes that you’ll see as you’re browsing the site (kudos to whoever can first spot them). Apologies for the downtime today, but it was necessary to get the updates up and running. And as always, with major updates there is the chance that a few bugs slipped through. If you notice anything weird, just let me know. More updates on the way!


Thanks, Jim! I'm so happy to see there are now posts on the films of classic Hollywood. I really missed them over these last several weeks. I appreciate your hard work.


JIM..All of my messages disappeared. Old and new there all gone.


Wheelin, do you mean your notifications? A lot of other's, including myself, have lost all of our notifications that we had before the upgrade...everything wiped out completely. I had 16 notifications showing on my bell and when I went to look at them, only 2 recent one's from AFTER the update were there. So, I had to go into my profile and check my last 16 posts and click on each one, then check all my posts on the pages to see where and who replied to me. I'm thinking we may ALL have lost our notification history.


I lost all my notification i had 3 new ones and their gone too


Well, do like I did then. Go to your profile and look at your last 3 posts...or ones that you did yesterday too, then just click on those posts and search for that post on the page you posted it on...then you can see who replied. It's the only way I could figure out to do it. I would start with the first 3 since they're new. It shouldn't be happening anymore, since Jim is done with that big update though. If it does keep happening now, you need to let Jim know.


I've already contacted Jim. I lost 3 new messages.


Oh good. Hope he figures out the problem soon. 😊


me 2




Thank you for the updates. I love it!!


Yay! You've made my day. 💕 Thank you so much!!


That's such a great improvement, thanks for your effort Jim! 🌻


Jim I just noticed vast archives for older films like Rudolph Valentino's in the 20s! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Although I noticed there are a few films not listed here when you search for them like:

-Valentino (1951)
-Dracula (1931)

Also, there are no archival messages for Rudolph Valentino.

I hope I'm not coming across as ungrateful as I love the update you just did and I am so grateful to all the vast archival messages you've done!

I've just mentioned the above as you requested for any other thoughts or bugs or changes we might suggest.


vicky_lc2001, I noticed that as well. Some films don't show up when searching, but you can still sometimes find them through the "Related Stars" or "Similar Movies" suggestions.

Here's the Dracula one I found through Bela Legosi's page (although Legosi's page has no posts either?):

I myself was searching for an old movie called Grand Hotel (1932), the Best Picture winner. It doesn't show up in a search, but I see it when I'm on Joan Crawford's page and spot it under "Known For"

Maybe jim can fix this later, but in the meantime, try searching for missing movies through the actor's pages. It might show up there.


Hello, yes, it was suggested to me that I should try searching for the stars that came out as it might show on their filmography. But for the film Valentino (1951) for example, I could only recall the last name of the main star and so could not find it here. I had to go to imdb and go to The Sound of Music film to get the name of the girlfriend of the father who also came out in the Valentino film.


why were the boards down the othe rday, i didnt appreciate that onebit


... Because Jim was implementing all these new features. You're welcome.


do it during non posting hours, not all day


I live in the Southern hemisphere - where your day is my night and vice versa. There are no non posting hours !!!


This. Although I think it's more the issue of time-zones than hemispheres. And remember Jim still has to sleep and probably work!


this is quite the simplistic way of thinking... u do ur homework, u figure where ur base of users mostly resides and u shut it down during those hours... if some folks in the southern hemp are effect... tough luck


Is it possible that the bulk of users don't share your timezone?


im in nyc, the centr of the world, EST timezone.


I think you'll find that's Greenwich my friend.

The sun still doesn't set on the British commonwealth but I'm sure New York City has one every evening.


Just checked nyc's other posts. Ignore him.
