MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Will Trolls throw a fit once moderators ...

Will Trolls throw a fit once moderators start enforcing rules

I heard they had a conniption when they were reprimanded on another site


The owner of that site is a troll. I was a moderator there for one day so i know.


So what really happened there?


"John Carter" is a fake name


If you hate trolls, why were you summoning them on Game of thrones board? That board is notorious for trolls


Will people ever stop starting threads about trolls?


The OP is feeding trolls by this nonsense. I see he was summoning balzy troll few days ago on TWD board.


How am I summoning them? I was asking who from the old board was there. It was a simple question,I wasn't saying "rise my children!" Stop trying to stir problems


No need to even mention them. I see that you were aspiring to be a moderator. Same here. I want to be a moderator and eliminate trolls.


Were you stalking him, Ben?


Apis๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ It appears that I do have a ๐Ÿ‘€ stalker


I don't know if you should be flattered or worried ๐Ÿ˜€


Worried would be my first emotion ๐Ÿ˜‚


Don't worry as a moderator i will deal with stalkers


Nope. Why would you say that?


[+] Apis (484) 5 minutes ago


It's tedious and an annoyance, definitely, but unfortunately at this point in MC's young life, it's also necessary, unless you want to see things spiral as out of control here as they became on IMDB. Judging by your many other posts here, April, I don't think you want to see that any more than I -- and most other legit posters here -- want to.

Keep your eyes open. It's really not all that difficult to tell who's a troll and who isn't.


"spiral as out of control here as they became on IMDB."

IMDb boards were great

"Keep your eyes open. It's really not all that difficult to tell who's a troll and who isn't. "

witch hunt eh?


Oh, my eyes are very open. Trust. I'm also intelligent enough to know that every thread, comment, or mention of them infuses them with more calories, fat, and carbohydrates. Nothing more needs to be said.


Glad to hear it!


I will moderate fairly.


"Will Trolls throw a fit once moderators start enforcing rules?"

Of course. Haven't you noticed? They already are.


Yes we need moderators like Ben Caesar


You mean yourself? Everyone knows God is one of your socks. You becoming a mod would destroy what Jim has built up here.


Yeah i think Ben is a great moderator. He is handling trolls like you expertly


You're not doing a damn thing but running scared


Unlike Ben i would like a cyberbully like you to be banned. Stop harassing users.


NOt harassing anyone. Just telling the truth, and you can't handle it.


Stop harassing me for no reason.


Go away, troll. Nobody likes you...NOBODY


You go away back to your crappy proboard, troll



Yep. Self-admitted, even. Too bad it's been screen-capped, and even if it hadn't been, Jim has access to deleted posts as admin of the site, and can read said posts for himself.


Talking to your own sock? Not fooling anyone. Screenshots can be photoshopped too


And there are ways to tell whether an image has been Photoshopped or not, or didn't you know that? Sounds like you also don't know that admins can view deleted posts. Too bad for you.


It is quite obvious that you and your socks are harassing me for no reason whatsoever.


I have no socks. Never have. No use or time for them. Something Jim can easily check. You, on the other hand, have a long rep of them, and that too can be easily checked. Too bad for you, but you know what they say, the truth will out.


Are you threatening Ben here Catbookss?

It seems to be that you are.

Do you have any evidence to back up your claims?

Or are you just trying to deride their character in public for no real reason other than to keep eyes off of you?


Yeahsure, I'm threatening "Ben" aka BenCaesar ;), same as I was being a "racist" by using the idiom "a spade is a spade." Not that this wasn't a shallow and obvious attempt to discredit and deride my character.

What, are you worried about Jim's ability to see what deleted posts said? Too bad. Live by the sword, die by the sword. I have no reason to be afraid of the truth. Why do you?

You think most posters here don't see through you and know exactly what you're doing? I can assure you they do.


By all means, make good on your claim and assure me!

This will be an exercise in mental gymnastics I'm sure.


In time, my friend, in good time, which I doubt will be long in coming.

No mental gymnastics required on my part. The truth is the truth, and, as I said, it will out. Scares you, does it? Ah well, no need to deflect and avoid, or be afraid of the truth โ€ฆ unless you have reason to be ;)

As I said, there are perks to being chronically civil (and truthful).


So no assurances. Just more empty threats.

Sure thing honey, here's the car keys to the Ferrari and try not to drink too much at that sorority phasing tonight before coming home...OK?

Idiots can tell the truth because they have nothing to say. Other's don't because they have an agenda.

Which are you?


Why is this user threatening you and others like me? It seems such users think they own this place. lol


They certainly think they can plod around with some sort of authority telling the general audience that they know what everyone who isn't here is thinking.

That's a pretty good delusion they've got going on.

Marijuana high or just a fried brain do you think?


Extreme egotism. Such users are quite persistent.


Certainly a personalty disorder of some type I'd wager.


Some traumatic event perhaps that turned them into psychotic paranoid schizophrenics


I don't want to throw armchair prognosis out there but their lack of reasoning and their beliefs that they can speak what people who aren't posting are thinking does lead me to think something more dangerous than just recreational drug use.

But without any facts these would just all be judgemental guesses I suppose. And I'm not going to judge someone for dealing with their illness however they do as long as they aren't hurting anyone but themselves.


Perhaps trolling IMDb messageboards since 1999.


For all we know Catbookss could have been the unspoken of straw that broke the camel's metaphorical back on IMDB and that's why the whole site dropped the message boards.

I mean there's no proof but I can feel it because that's now apparently the way the world works.


Pernicious trolling. Insidious. Outrageous !


"Idiots can tell the truth because they have nothing to say."

What a bizarre, utterly nonsensical thing that was to say.

You reveal yourself with every post you make. Hoisted, petard.


^Case and point ladies and gentleman of the imagination of Catbookss!



"You reveal yourself with every post you make"

You are continually flaming him and others what do you expect? In a perfect world you would be ignored by most of the users by now


Stalking a user, taking screencaps, accusing every other user of being a troll.



Totally not a psycho eh?

Hey Jim, why don't you let Catbookss also run your business for you - I'm sure they're COMPLETELY trustworthy and not likely to scare away customers or get you sued.


lol yeah we are having a good time while a party pooper is trying to ruin it for the rest of us.


There's really no problem with taking screencaps if you have nothing to hide, is there?

Feel free to take screencaps of any post I make. Not that it's necessary; Jim can see even deleted posts, and possibly any mods he appoints as well. I was the co-owner of a forum, and know I could see deleted posts. Too bad, so sad for you, eh? And yet not a problem if one stands behind whatever post they make, deleted or not ;)


Why the hell would anyone take screencaps? I would tell such a person to get a life


Glad you admit you are the owner of IMDb2 and are trying to sabotage this place


What did i say? Nothing. Stop stalking me please.


Stop accusing me of having socks, and mind your own business.


So you admit to be a troll who is stalking me. You are not fooling anyone betty


Exactly. He did a call-out thread earlier today and thinks he escaped by editing it later. But it's also been screen-capped


Fake screencap

You are the one with 100 socks here napsdufroid/Apis/ Catbookss


Really? Again, you're challenged to prove that statement. You can't, you're admitting you'e a lying troll.


Stop harassing me worthless troll. Go back to your shitty proboard that is failing hard


Where's your proof, liar? Now you've admitted you're a troll. Not that that surprises anyone.


Stop harassing me worthless troll.


Where's your proof. liar? We can do this all day, trollo


Stop harassing me worthless troll.

I will ignore you when the feature comes, and all your socks


Where's your proof, liar?


Stop harassing me worthless troll.

I will ignore you when the feature comes, and all your socks


You probably won;t have a chance, because trolls like you will get kicked out.

You're welcome to keep on babbling to yourself. Until you can show proof of your BS, I'm out. Buh-bye, trollo


Stop harassing me worthless troll.

I will ignore you when the feature comes, and all your socks

"You probably won;t have a chance, because trolls like you7 will get kicked out."

keep projecting troll
