MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How many members are there?

How many members are there?

How many people are on this site?


There's no way to know for sure yet. If anyone knew, it would be Jim, though.


I'm curious to know.



if there are 1000 people registered here, I certainly can't tell.


People are scattered all over the boards. There are too many boards which are IMDb legacy for this stage in Moviechat's life.

Plus, it seems that most of us are former lurkers who tend to go back to their natural state of lurking, so after posting like crazy for the first month, people grew a bit tired of it. Like a posting saturation level or something.


The only post I made other than this one is on the board for vice principals, I don't care too much for general discussions, and I mostly just lurk.


I know what you mean. I never went to General boards on IMDb either. But now we are like old dogs that have to learn new tricks lol



246. Definitely 246. 246, yeah......

