
Just realized I have eaten it a few times, never again! Slice jugular of animal! I have had the bologna and probably chicken pork, what ever. I usually don't care. I do this time !



Slice jugular, let it bleed out ! Google it


Nope not my thing


I definitely will not anymore !


Good for you!you get a prize


Oh another trophy, oh wait, that's imdbv2, you get like 🏆 there for Evey post, stupid. Am I in kindergarten ?


Why exactly is that a bad thing? Are you one of those people who don't think you should thoroughly wash the intestines either, because a little poop is good for your immune system?


Did you know that is a similar word in romanian language that means ,how do i say in english, "god forbit about that man" ,or something?


... Or something else...
Because it's the other way around.
It means "bravo", "good (for me/him)".


That depends in what context this word is used,scarletter,sometimes a word can mean many things

The extraordinary is in what we do,not who we are


What difference does it make how the animal is slaughtered s long as it was essentially humane?


It is a particularly cruel way to slaughter animals, but killing is killing. If you really don't want animals to suffer, the best way is to not eat them. Or reduce consumption of animal products- it's not an "all or nothing" thing. Even cutting back like having a few meatless days a week can make a difference.


To add another thing to exotic things to taste, I tried wild boar and frog legs once. Just recently, I went into training for my current position and I was treated to a Wild Boar dinner. It tastes just like pig (no really?). Frog legs taste like fish off a chicken wing, if that makes any sense. It is great to try new things, even if for better or for worse.


Wild pigs are such a nuisance animal in some parts of the US, that I would actually support hunting them more than I would support factory farming. I still wouldn't eat them, but some animals are so out of control they are destroying habitats for other wildlife. Nutria is another one. if people want to eat nutria, more power to 'em.


Well I learned something new today. Nutria sounds like some kind of sugar substitute.

No. For me, I decided to try wild boar because it was my chance to really choose anything off the menu. Forget going for a normal hamburger or chicken. Both times, when I had frog legs and when I had wild boar, were both on the business's dime. You would know that you probably would spend money on it, unless you knew it was something you were familiar with. The thing looked like an ice cream sundae. Potatoes whipped around it and the bone sticking up with all the meat attached to it, in the middle of the plate and the gravy spread over the meat and potatoes.


Nutrias are like if a beaver and a guinea pig had a baby. they are kind of cute, but they are big varmints. They are not native to the US but they were introduced here and the population is exploding, pushing out other native species.
There are some fish like that too, I think snakeheads? They are native to Asia, and some dumbfucks put them in some US rivers and lakes and they are breeding out of control, and putting other native fish species into endangered status.


I heard about those fish. But I never knew about the Nutrias.


I tried watching a halal slaughter house video. I only lasted a few seconds. It's awful , they torture the animals ! I don't recommend!


Any kind of torture to animals and even killing is bad enough. I grew up non vegetarian and so I still have to eat meat. Okay fine, I do not exactly HAVE TO eat meat, but it is hard not to. Over these last few months I had a hardship and so I have not really eaten meat for like a month and a half (cannot afford it due to being frugal with expenses). I do still eat eggs and yes, that is still not being righteous as those eggs could have come from hens who were tortured and/or killed.

Being an omnivore is hard thing to swallow.


I the few seconds I watched is stuck in my head ! It's a nightmare , they actually tear body parts off when conscious !


Really, I think animals should pass a certain age before they are killed. It's okay if some humans never get to eat meat during their generation. Give the animals time to grow and enjoy their life before killing.


That wasn't a halal slaughter you watched. Whatever snuff film you watched, was meant to gross you out.


Dude,its real ! I'm not arguing!


For that I'm not watching again. I can't undo what I saw ! Those animals that work there are sick fucks!


No man, I don't know what you saw and why they called it a halal slaughter. But that's not how they do it. What you saw was mislabeled. You know, for the purpose of misrepresenting the way halal slaughters are conducted.
