MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > One feature I miss from IMDb

One feature I miss from IMDb

is the advanced search feature. You started typing the name of the movie in the search field and it started offering different options based on what you had typed already. Add that and no one will remember IMDb ever existed.


It's already hereπŸ˜‰




I think it may work on some browsers and not others. You would have to ask Croft what browser she is using. I am using Chrome and I could see why you have not witnessed that feature. On IMDb, it still works on Chrome.


I'm using a mobile device,after i write the name of the movie,the search results came with many options,including what i was looking.πŸ˜‰


Must be browser-related then, thanks!




I'm using a mobile device,after i write the name of the movie,the search results came with many options,including what i was looking.πŸ˜‰

I think the OP is talking about something a little different.

It's that type of search where you type "Lo-" into the search bar, and even before you complete it, you see predictive search results for movies like Logan, Logan's Run and Long's Day Journey into Night (and they all have their little movie posters as well). You have not finished typing the title nor hit Enter yet, and you are already seeing suggestions given to you. That's how it was on IMDB.

I've tried searching in different browsers (Firefox, Chrome and Windows Edge) with MC and have not seen that IMDB predictive search feature yet. Either my browsers are funky and not updated, or the feature is not there. It's a nice feature but it wouldn't really bother me if it was added or not. And implementing it might be a huge coding headache..who knows.



If it's done "easy, but far from cheap", about how much are we looking at here?


Just curious. I have no idea how these things are done or implemented. It all sounds complicated to me. I once listened to a Google Lecture about building a better Search Engine, and couldn't understand what they were talking about. Heuristics,'s no wonder why they hire Stanford engineers and programmers. They said that every time you do a search on Youtube, a lot of complex things are going on under the hood to bring you that Search result fast, and to make sure the information is relevant.




It works on my computer.



And on mobile devicesπŸ˜‰


Mobile devices?? So 21st century are you, young Skywalker. Yes. Yes. Hmmmm.



So crazy, I never knew this site was all ready working on mobile devices. The first time I had heard of this was when Lori had told me that. So basically, this site started working on mobile, before it actually was in full effect for all us laptop/desktop users.


My bad,on smartphonesπŸ˜‰


I have an old dumb phone, but it does everything I want. I can make calls and text. Old skol.



Pretty much all you need a phone for.I would even be willing to get rid of texting because really I would want to actually call that person. Then again, I would love to just do away with a cell phone because I actually like speaking to people face to face.


I'd never get rid of texting. To me it's the ideal form of communication. It's sent directly to the person, but it doesn't disturb them. This is especially good if they're at work. Then they can consider the message, and respond at their leisure. It's also good in a crowd when you can't hear a phone conversation.



But yes, unfortunately, now days we have to adapt. Most people would think it would be a bit overwhelming if you were just to walk up to them out of nowhere. If they were at work, you would always have time to talk to them before and after.

Things to consider of what texting has done to society:

It feels as if texting has really increased the amount of disturbance in our society. Now we have car accidents because of it? People are getting fired at work because they are on their cell phones instead of working. People tend to be more anti-social because they have to write something out instead of directly talking to that person.


We always have to adapt. The only thing which never changes is change itself. People have to handle texting, like anything else, intelligently. At work they should wait until their break to respond. And that's my point. A person can respond to a text at their leisure. They don't have to interrupt anything, unlike with a phone call.

And YES! Please No Texting While Driving, People!



Email is great for the same reason.


Yep! Email and texting. That's how I roll.



Isn't it great? You can send a message to someone regardless of what time or day it is, knowing you won't disturb them and they can respond whenever they like.

Technology has its down sides, but this is one of the distinct pluses.


Yep! Precisely!



Copy thatπŸ˜‰


when you type in a letter in search, suggestions come up


A lot of other features are needed. Email notification on movie and actor boards, for one. As of now I receive notification only on the main boards.


The lack of this feature probably leads to my not using the site much. It's the biggest mistake they made by not having it up yet, imo. That and the choice to read in flat mode.


You can get email notifications. On your profile put in your email and leave them on.


I miss it too but give them time, I'm sure they will start adding more features.


Only time will tellπŸ˜‰
