MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is Le Pen mightier than la Macron?

Is Le Pen mightier than la Macron?

The press are stating that Macron will be the clear winner come May 7th but they also completely got Brexit and Hilary wrong and so can't be trusted as experts on modern political matters.

Will the French decide to take a leader who didn't marry their school teacher but would rather fortify France against invading bureaucracy from Belgium?

French cinema has always shown the people to be thoughtful, appreciative and liberty based - will we see that come the election?


Only time will tell😉


Le Pen is a fascist, a chip off the old block.


Macron is no different. He's a fascist of the left persuasion.


Not true, Mélenchon was the far-left candidate, Macron is a centrist.


No, Macron CLAIMS to be a centrist, in reality he is allied with the left. And his banker friends, ofcourse. And don't forget about the EU fascists. Welcome to the New World Order...


I hope Macron wins, polls show he has a 20 point lead, if he doesn't do anything stupid before the election he should win easily. Le Pen is too extreme.


I hope that France can learn from our mistakes and not fall into that same trap.
While it is sometimes comforting to not have the WORST leader of the free world, it would just be grading on a curve and would just raise us to a D- instead of an F. So I wouldn't wish that on France just to make us look (very) slightly better. That would be mean.


We shall see. GO LE PEN!!



Go far, far away. To the bottom of the sea, preferably.


Poop on your head!

